...But for whatever reason I can't seem to get there. So I'm going to share a few things that have been on my mind.
First of all, you may come to visit one day and discover that I've changed the look of the blog. Don't be alarmed. Blogger has some new templates available and they claim switching over will be a piece of cake. I notice others have done it successfully. It just might be time to freshen up the Nest.
Susan, who
Plays With Needles, recently showed us what she has lined up for summer reading and asked us what we plan to read this summer. I happen to have a new stack next to my bed as the result of an online book buying binge
(some of it bought with a birthday gift certificate):

Well, a couple of those are books I've had for a while. And a couple of them I've already read, at least once. I just finished
A Cast Off Coven (which is brand new), and before that
Magic Bleeds (also new). I read
Clockwork Heart for the second time while I was waiting for
Magic and
Coven to arrive. I enjoyed it the first time through but there were a couple of things that bothered me in the beginning of the book. I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was though. I must have gotten over it because I thoroughly enjoyed the whole book the second time through.
The other one I've read before is
Linnets and Valerians. Technically it's a children's story but the writing is so clear and beautiful it's a joy to read. The author, Elizabeth Goudge, takes you right into rural England early in the last century.
I've read
Pride and Prejudice but none of Jane Austen's other books so when I saw
Mansfield Park on sale I picked it up. I've never read Thoreau either. I'm looking forward to that.
I've only dipped into
The City of Dreaming Books but it looks like it's going to be fun. Already I wish I'd sprung for a hardcover version. It could be something I'd like to share with grandchildren someday.
Two of the books in this stack are non-fiction. I've been reading
Up Close off and on since I picked it up in the thrift shop.* It's a memoir written by the man who was one of the people instrumental in creating what is now the
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum in Tucson, Arizona. I'm finding it pretty interesting, especially since those efforts took place before I was even born.
*Buying books from the thrift shop - or any second-hand source - is always risky. I've had to re-donate books that were too heavily perfumed for me to read. I can't read books from our public library anymore either, not after they've been handled by folks using hand sanitizers or certain lotions
(I wish I knew which ones).
Finally there's
The Other End of the Leash, written by a woman who not only holds at least one scientific degree but has years of dog training experience and expertise. I don't know that my dogs will benefit from this book but it can't hurt! I'm sure I will find it enlightening.
I am
so grateful that even though I can't enjoy picture books anymore I can still read books of text. It's trite but true: books take you places in a way that television, movies, and even the internet can't match. Maybe I need to let one of them take me to the land of Nod...