These three amigos are made of the semi-squishy foam that allows them to be crushed and then regain their original shape. We've had them for several years and they've been through the mill as you can see: the guy on the left has lost an eye!
My friends are much better looking ;- ) Over the course of the last decade or so I've been gifted with three batches of friendship blocks, none of which have been made into a finished quilt. Yet.
The problem with the first two sets was my own fault. I ambitiously asked for blocks made any size as long as they would finish in some increment of 2". I thought it would be fun to put such a puzzle together. Someday it will be! I have had neither the space nor the energy to do much more than get them pinned to a sheet. The first set are all buildings. Houses, shops, barns, even an outhouse! I want to landscape that town properly, and someday I will. I've shown the second set, the black and white and hot pink blocks. I'll get to them too, but that's more of a spring or summer project. In the meantime, I have just received the last blocks from my most recent friendship block request. This time I wised up and asked for a specific block in a specific size (which, of course, they will not all be!). I even provided some of the fabric for the blocks.
My request was for Lincoln Logs blocks in flannel. I thought it would make a lovely, cozy, snuggle-up quilt and be fairly quick to put together. When I counted up the blocks I was given and did some math I realized I could easily make a quilt for my double bed rather than just a couch throw. So yesterday I made seven additional blocks:
Today I have been playing with the blocks on the living room floor to get a pleasing arrangement. In spite of the fact that I gave out two of the fabrics for each block I have a few blocks that are quite unique! Most of the blocks have a "country" flavor to them. Dark colors, floral prints or plaids... you know. The ringer blocks have bright hues in them or obviously juvenile prints. Making them fit in is a fun challenge. (It looks better in person, believe me. The white bits you see on the blocks here are little slips of paper with the name of the block maker on it.)
I think I have an arrangement I can live with. I made detailed notes as to what goes where so I can just sit at the sewing machine and assembly-line sew them together. The real trick will be to create a back for this top once it's complete. I am seriously running out of flannel! One of my goals is to use up old stock; this just might do it.
And now, some more of our old friends...

Dracula is a candy dish. I don't dare put candy in it until Halloween night because, as you can see, the rats might get it! (This is a very special rat. He's from NIMH and wears a beaded necklace.)