Monday, June 15, 2020

Scrap Happy in June

It's that time again, when Kate in Australia and Gun in Sweden invite us to show the things we've made out of scrap materials, whatever they may be. My scraps are leftovers from my quilt making endeavors 99% of the time. This time is no different. 😉

I've assembled four more Lego blocks that will finish at 12" each. These are composed of rows of 2" scrap strips sewn end-to-end.

I've also sewn up some scrappy Courthouse Steps and one 6" Ship.

I was going to natter on about the Baskets quilt I've been working on (see previous posts). I had to do some creative piecing to complete the border. But Blogger won't let me add any more pictures for some reason. I know they're trying to make blogspot blogs more compatible to mobile devices but they're not doing those of us who write the blogs any favors. Hopefully they'll get the bugs worked out before we no longer have the choice to revert back to the old format. In the meantime, here are the other bloggers who usually participate in Scrap Happy Day:

KateGun, TittiHeléneEva, Lynn, Lynda, Birthe, Turid, Susan, 
Cathy,  Tracy, Jill, Claire, JanMoira, SandraLindaChrisNancy
AlysKerryClaireJeanJoanne, Jon, HayleyDawnGwen, Connie, 
Bekki, PaulineSue L, Sunny, Kjerstin and Vera


  1. Love your scrappy blocks and all the colors!

  2. love all the wonderful colours together, makes me happy just looking at them. I wonder when blog platforms get the message that they are making things difficult - when bloggers abandon them and move to FB??

  3. My current computer refuses to operate the new blogger. I knew it was time to get a new one (12 years of faithful service), but this has proven to be the final straw that broke my procrastination. We'll see how I fare once it arrives and I have it set up. So many seem to be having issues . . . sigh. LOVE those lego blocks :-)

  4. It seems to be endemic, this fetish for 'improvement'. It's a poor disguise for 'let's shed our non-paying customers in favour of the ones who pay for their blogs and are using them to earn money'. WordPress is doing it too, constant 'upgrades' aimed at monetised blogs and disadvantaging the smaller private ones.
    On a happier note, I love your scrappy efforts, especially the quartet of Lego blocks.

  5. Two wonderful scrappy projects! I like the name lego blocks. =)

  6. Great blocks! I love those Lego blocks. What a perfect way to use scraps!


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