I have been doing some more hand stitching but am not ready to show my work just yet. To fill in the gap I thought I'd share a few of the flowers in our yard. First off is this miniature rose we inherited from the previous owner:
I've seen pictures of day lilies in full bloom on other blogs. So far ours have set buds but have not opened up.
Here is my poor little white peony. I thought I'd lost this plant altogether and then one day as I got out of the car I noticed it was up and sporting a single bud. This is its' third year (I think) and this is the biggest it has ever been. I've heard that peonies don't like to be moved, but I may dig this one up and put it in the side yard near my pink peony...
...because the pink peony is the same age but is covered in gorgeous fat blossoms:
And speaking of chemical effects, I discovered to my immense pleasure that our most local bead shop is, in fact, still open for business (I'd heard a rumor that they had closed up shop without warning). I went over today to do my part to keep them in business but naturally I ended up paying for it with more than mere money. Ah well, this too shall pass.
You have peonies in your yard, and you're complaining? Oh dear. You should spend some time in Texas. It doesn't rain here for months at a time, and the heat is horrible. No flowers in Austin now. Just a few last April.