Yesterday I spent time beading "Mother Hen."
I took a detail shot too, hoping you'd be better able to see the beads. Not sure it worked.
There are dark bugle beads under the egg. They're sort of a brown and purple, and they're twisted bugles. Well, half of them. The other half are straight short brown bugles. I want to do something in the green background areas but haven't entirely decided what that will be. I'm debating between regular embroidery stitches or more beads. I have to go out for food later today so I'm thinking I may brave the bead shop while I'm out.
Speaking of new things, this post marks the beginning of my second year of blogging. A whole new world opened up to me through the medium of weblogs. I've "met" people I now consider friends and become involved in projects I wouldn't have otherwise. I enjoy the positive feedback I get from those who visit and comment. Thanks to everyone who has stopped by and made me feel welcome :- )