The preemie quilt is done. The white print stands out rather a lot but I really wanted to include those horses running across the landscape. If I hadn't been so focused on getting the thing put together I might have taken the time to try tea dying those two strips. Ah well, it is what it is.

Of course I still have blocks and scraps and strips left over. At this point I think I'm just going to put them all away somehow so I can move on to other things. I could probably make flannel quilts in a variety of small sizes for the next six months before I used up my stash. Well, maybe not. Some of the flannel I have is not up to my current standards for utility quilts. Back in the day I would buy flannel shirts at the thrift shop to cut up and use in my quilts. In the years since then I have learned from sad experience that you have to be fairly discerning when recycling fabric. Some of those yummy plaids are too thin to last through very many washings.
This is the view from our back porch these days:

Those are some of the members of our local murder of crows in the tree. A moment or two sooner and I would have had the whole group in the shot. Notice the color of the sky. And this is after I brightened it up with my photo editing program!
(For some reason our camera seems to take dark pictures.) This is the color we will be living with for the next four months or so. That's the price we gotta pay for the beauty we enjoy the rest of the year I guess.
This morning we had a sunbreak. See that hole of blue in the cloud cover? Once again, if I'd been a bit quicker I might have been able to capture the sunshine.

As it turned out I was lucky to get what I did. This is what that spot looked like just a few minutes later:

So much for sunshine for today! Guess I'll have to go create my own somehow.
;- )
Congrats on the finish! And I hope you more than just a sliver of blue in the sky in the very near future.
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute little quilt. I love to watch the crows, too.
ReplyDeleteHi Sue, sorry to be so slow, but I finally did get your latest Orphan Train quilt posted. Having some problems with my computer and it took several tries. I cut and pasted what you had said in your letter, and do you think I could manage to get it in the right place? Course it didn't help that Jean was yakking in my ear. It's not perfect, but as you say, it is what it is...and I think the quilt is great...even if my setup isn't. Hugs, Finn
ReplyDeleteBabies like to see contrasts so the white is good for the baby if not as much for the mommy.
ReplyDeleteWe've actually had a few cloudy days but the sun peeked out for a bit on each of them. For us it's a nice change of pace. I get tired of cloudy days after a couple of them. I don't think I could handle the gloom where you are. I had a tough time in Minnesota. But you do get the green during the spring and summer for sure.