Depending on when you're reading this you have less than a week left to get a box in the mail for Iraqi Bundles of Love. If you haven't read or heard about this project yet click over here to get the skinny. The boxed bundles need to be postmarked no later than 7 September. Just pop into your local Post Office, pick up a large flat rate Priority Mail box and a customs form (2976-A), then go home and fill 'er up!
Edited to add: Okay, we all just realized that here in the States Labor Day is the 7th. That will affect when you will be able to get your bundle of love to your local post office. Some post offices are apparently open on Saturdays, all will be closed on Labor Day (to the best of my knowledge). The word to the wise is ship it sooner rather than later. You'll be glad you did. :- )
This is the list of goodies Art suggests you put in your bundle (and I quote):
Do send solid colors and simple prints.
America, I know, can be the land of crazy prints. Iraq just isn’t that crazy. Maybe less on the people prints, the animals, the flags, etc. Simple, and solids, are good, but prints work, too.
America, I know, can be the land of crazy prints. Iraq just isn’t that crazy. Maybe less on the people prints, the animals, the flags, etc. Simple, and solids, are good, but prints work, too.
Do send bulk or big pieces of fabric.
Don’t worry about sending the pieces and parts from that project you started but realize you’ll never get it. Those 8000 one-inch hexagons you cut out 7 years ago? OK, maybe not those, necessarily.
Do send other things, like thread, needles, buttons, beads, etc. Think about anything and everything that someone can use to make something by hand or by machine.
Don’t worry about the kind of scissors, or what size bobbin it’s on. Someone will figure something out. This project is about raw materials. Whatever it is, it’ll get used.
Do look around and see if you have heavier fabrics, too.
Don’t worry about batting.
This isn't just for quilters or seamstresses either. People with yarn stashes are encouraged to contribute YARBOL's (Yarn Bundles of Love!). The yarn you inherited that in your heart of hearts you know you'll never use, an extra pair of needles or crochet hook, a pattern that could be figured out from pictures alone (does such a thing exist?!). Again, think raw materials that a mother could use to make something to keep her children warm and clothed.
Here's a link to how to build your bundle (how to pack your box).
And if you don't feel you can contribute directly to the cause please spread the word so that others can! Give them the URL to the IBOL blog (http://ibol.wordpress.com/) or to my blog. I'll be happy to fill them in on the details or give them the mailing address for their box.
This whole effort sprang out of one soldier's recognizing a need and doing what he could to fulfill it. We're reaching out to the innocent victims of war and violence in a way that will be more effective than any amount of propoganda. We are supporting the work our troops are doing on the ground and in the villages of remote areas of Iraq. They have so little and we have so much.
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