Thursday, October 10, 2024

Introducing Gracie

 We didn't have pets when I was growing up. But as an adult I have discovered that I am definitely better off with animals in my life. This was brought home to me with some force in recent days. When our sweet Luna passed away a little over two years ago I was determined to try to live without a dog. 

 Living with a dog has been a real adjustment for Hubby as he wasn't raised with pets either. He would be content to live without any animals in his life. However, he has come to realize that I actually need the companionship a dog provides. I'm alone a lot due to his work schedule and the fact that my multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS) keeps me pretty much home-bound. So I have been on the hunt for a new companion. It has not been without it's ups and downs, let me tell you. If I go into a shelter (because I do not need a pure breed) I will be ill for at least another day afterward. I was prepared for that prospect if there was a good reason to suffer in that way. I filled out applications online for nearly all the shelters and foster organizations in our immediate area. Sometimes I received a response in a timely manner and other times not. There were a couple of potential adoptees that fit my criteria - Chihuahua mixes for the most part. But they seemed to get adopted out to others before I could arrange to see them in person. 

Finally, a local organization with volunteers who foster dogs and cats listed a black and tan "Chi-weenie" on She was cute (sometimes the photos of the dogs online aren't the best; you can tell folks have had a hard time getting them to be still) but I was a little nervous about the Dachshund aspect of her anatomy. Turns out she's well proportioned after all. 

She's young, about a year old, and came with the name Gracie. We see no need to try to change that. 😊 And so far she looks to be a very good fit for our household. She's also a good fit on my lap.

 The trick may be to convince her that she can't spend all day there!


  1. That's proof that she is SO contented and feels happy and safe, and for me, a cat has always ( and sometimes a lot more than just a single one) been in my life.Gracie, a lovely name, my Mum's name was Grace.!!!

  2. She is completely adorable! She has a very sweet face and appealing expression, and the fact that she's already so comfortable and trusting with you means that you were meant for each other. Her ears are not quite as magnificent as Luna's were, but they're still very cute. I hope you'll be very happy together, and that she will become Amazing Gracie for you.

  3. Congratulations on the new sweet pup in your life!

  4. Aaawww... i'm so happy for you! Hubs and i miss having animals sometimes and other times when we want to take a trip or something we are glad we don't have to worry about what to do with an animal.. I miss having a cat and hubby misses a little dog.. he wouldn't mind a cat either... but thing is he is allergic to them cats and dogs.. He happen to tolerate our last black short hair cat but with all his health problems i do not want to bring his allergies to the fore front either... so we enjoy other peoples animals when we run in to them... :) Hugs! deb


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