Sunday, February 24, 2019

Stitching Along in February

I'm probably a bit late to the party but I'm also virtually in the last time zone so I figure that gives me a pass. 😉 The participants in this Stitch Along stretch from Australia to the U.S., all around the world. We check in every three weeks to see what progress has been made on our respective projects. Unlike other SAL's we are not all working on the same project in this group. We have quite a variety of techniques in play on any given check-in day!

Last time I shared my start on the Winter Fairy embroidery.

Since then I've decided to set that aside for a time when I'm not distracted by the various pains that have been plaguing me recently. I needed something easier -- more soothing as opposed to stressful. Then along came Joy with a new block of the month embroidery series. We will be making a Gingerbread Village over the coming months.

Gingerbread Village, a lovely free block of the month for 2019! Make a block every month and you'll have a finished quilt by Christmas!

I downloaded the first pattern and had my son trace it off for me. Then it was a matter of making color decisions. I still struggle with that when it comes to embroidery projects even though it's one of the things that comes instinctively to me in patchwork. My first thought, because of the name of the series, was to work in browns and red on my green background. You know, a little brown cottage in the woods. Since then I've decided to go for a cottage in the spring. We've had a long stretch of cold, wet, gray days. Can you blame me?

The floss I'm using is Nancy's hand dyed threads again. The house is backstitched in a peachy color and the roof and windows in a deeper orange. I'm toying with a turquoise for the door. I have an idea for using more of the peach on the house but we'll see whether that works or not. The next SAL check-in will be on the 17th of March. In the meantime you can check out what everyone else is doing by clicking on their names below. We're welcoming another new member this time around, Sharon. I'm looking forward to seeing what she's working on!

Avis, Claire, Gun, Carole, LucyAnn, Kate, Jess, Constanze, Debbierose, Christina, Kathy, 
Margaret, Cindy, Helen, StephLinda, Heidi, Jackie, Sunny, Hayley, Megan, Catherine, 
Deborah, Connie, Clare, Mary Margaret, Renee, Jenny, CarmelaJocelyn, Sharon


  1. I love your house Sue and I quite agree in terms of going with the spring theme, it feels like it's starting here which is a bit scary as it's too early for Scotland but also very lovely to feel a bit of sunshine! Happy stitching :) Jenny x

  2. Hi Sue! Glad to see the end of the snow, aren't you! I love these embroideries you do, and can't wait to see them continued. Hope they are indeed more soothing than stressful!

  3. Hi! Your embroidery is very nice! Hugs!!

  4. So cute Sue! Can't wait to watch it take shape!

  5. What a fun project. It is off to a wonderful start. I look forward to seeing how you choose to finish it up. Sending wishes for some stress-free happy stitching time!

  6. Nothing like starting something new as a pick-you-up :-) Get well soon.

  7. Both are very cute projects, but I see how the first one could be a bit more time consuming/challenging. Have fun stitching your spring cottage!

  8. Perfect timing to have a spring cottage while winter is still outdoors. A bright door will be so welcoming.

  9. Love the idea of stitching houses! I think I could do that too!

  10. I feel for you, it is so hard to concentrate when pain stops you relaxing and getting in the comfy state of body and mind that you need for stitching,

  11. Oh, I love the colors you are doing! I must say after having done all mine in brown, I am really thinking I should do another set with some color in them!!! Maybe I'll just enjoy yours :) The fairy is soooo sweet as well! xx

  12. This pattern is so cute and I love your color choices!

  13. That looks like a lovely project and you're off to a good start :)

  14. Another really lovely design! Colour choices can be so hard at times. I do hope you are feeling better.

  15. Very cute. Hope you feel better soon.


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