Saturday, June 15, 2024

Scrap Happy in June

 June is half over already??!! How did that happen? Fortunately, I started a new quilt top toward the end of May that totally qualifies for Scrap Happy Day this month. 😁

You may remember that I've been making cat blocks out of my larger scraps. At last count I had 126 cats. And I had no idea what I would do with them. One day I realized I could make six rows of nine cats and end up with a flimsy 45" wide and 54" long. I thought that was a good place to start for a quilt for a child so I started putting them up on the design wall.

Not bad, but what if I made the quilt so that either end could be right side up?

Nope. Makes me seasick just to look at it.

I sewed this collection of 54 blocks together as they were originally laid out on the design wall. But then it called out for a border treatment of some sort. That took some time to sort out. First, they needed some breathing room. I put a white frame around them. Finding the right fabric to use for a final border - already in the stash - took several attempts. In the end I used a tone-on-tone batik in deep blue. This brought the flimsy up to about 53" x 62."

That made the quilt top look a lot more elegant in my eyes. Consequently, I have decided that when this quilt is finished it will go to our local humane society to use for fund raising. Quilting it has posed a challenge. We have discussed a pattern of mice in the blue border but so far an all-over pattern for the interior remains a mystery. While we mull our options you may want to see how others have utilized their scraps this month. 

Scrap Happy Day is hosted on the 15th of each month by Kate in Australia and Gun in Sweden. Not everyone in the list participates every month but there's sure to be something wonderful to see in each blog. If you'd like to play along just leave a comment on Kate or Gun's blogs. 😊

KateGun, Eva, Lynda,
Birthe, Turid, Tracy, Jan
Moira, SandraChrisAlys,
Sunny, Kjerstin, Sue LVera, 
 Ann, Dawn 2, Carol, Preeti,
NóilinViv, Karrin, Amo, Alissa,
Lynn, Tierney, Hannah and Maggie