
Thursday, July 21, 2016


Things have been sort of quiet here in the Magpie's Nest. I've put the binding on the green batik scrappy trip wedding quilt and have it about 85% sewn down. I made a block for my local guild's block of the month drawing in August. That was so simple and fun I made two more!

The instructions were to use summer yellows, orange, and reds. I couldn't resist putting in the ice cream cones. ;- ) You can see that I also managed to assemble two 6" Hole in the Barn Door blocks as I worked on other blocks this week.

The next day I sewed up some 1.5" squares into postage stamp blocks. Today I turned them into stars, and just for kicks put them up on the wall between the double four patch blocks.

Well now! It hadn't dawned on me until that moment that the blocks would be the same size. I quite like the way they play together. This is giving me ideas for using the postage stamp stars I've been making for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge this year. I will have no trouble coming up with scrap patches to make the double four patch blocks either. A new way to play with my scrap patches might be just what I need to get things rolling again!

I'll be linking up with the RSC on Saturday even though I'm not showing anything in hot pink and lime green this time. ;- )

Edited Friday morning: I forgot to show you the final two borders on the latest Parts Dept. flimsy!
Taa daa!

This should finish at 48" x 54." I bought yardage - on sale - and have already made a back for it too!


  1. Well, who doesn't love a little serendipity, especially when it gives such a lovely result! Have fun playing!

  2. Some of the world's best happy accidents have arisen from serendipity. This is another one!

  3. Oh wow! I've just seen the completed Scrap Happy top, and it's gorgeous!

  4. I love the surprise combination of stars and four-patch blocks! And the flimsy is looking very good.

  5. I'm not sure which I like best, the Double 4-Patch Surprise or that WONDERFUL Parts Department quilt top you've got going. On second thought, I actually LOVE them BOTH!!!

  6. Parts Department looks great! And surprise--it looks like you have another one on the way! Looking good!

  7. Now I've got to catch up, too - I LOVE that shoofly border!!!

  8. I love the stars and the four patch blocks together too! I have made a bunch of double four patches this year and don't know what to do with them, so it's fun to see another possibility!

  9. Parts Dept. was a great idea! How fun is that!

  10. Isn't it fun when the unexpected happens on your design wall? I think these make a great combination so I'd go with it too! I'm convinced good discoveries are often made by accident.

  11. What a happy accident to find those blocks going so well together. The PD quilt flimsie is so exciting. I think the flying geese give just the right touch of lightness to the whole piece. Congrats on the finish!

  12. Ta da, indeed! I love how the scrappiness is evolving.

  13. the spark! The moment of insight when you figure out just what to do! I love that moment... then it's just a race to finish. LeeAnna

  14. Outstanding parts department quilt, fabulous blocks, and I LOVE the way the stars and 4-patches look together. Serendipity, indeed!


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