
Sunday, July 24, 2016

SAL Update

Time to share the progress I've made on my stitchery projects. I think I've only worked on one (of the two or three I have going!) since the last SAL post...

This is where it was three weeks ago:

This is what it looks like now:

I'll have to be sure to finish filling in that bit of green sprig at the bottom!

I still have to choose a color for her arms and face. I'm planning to do French knots in the center of the flowers but I guess I could satin stitch them. Personally, I think French knots are more fun to do than satin stitching. ;- )

There are participants of this stitch along right around the world. You can see what the others have been working on just by clicking on their names! If you'd like the motivation that comes with a public commitment like this visit Avis and leave her a note that you'd like to play along.



  1. I agree, French knots would be prettier. I think your pretty girl should have a slight summer suntan, a nice biscuity shade rather than pink...

  2. Pretty!
    Satin stitching still frightens me, so I would always opt for French knots. However, I plan to take an embroidery class to conquer my fear of stain stitch!
    (Hmm, my haircut is a bit like hers.)

  3. Pretty flowers! I'd definitely gorget the sprig at the bottom and think i'd finished!

  4. ooooh almost finished!

  5. I like the French Knot for the centres, and this is coming on so well, delicate and gentle, just like the way she has folded her arms. . Lovely.

  6. I´m not sure I really know the differents between French Knot and satin stitching, but it doesn´t matter. I guess it is gonna look nice anyhow :)

  7. French knots! This looks lovely. You're almost finished!


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