
Saturday, January 5, 2019

Easing Into the New Year

I have a hard time shifting gears. Which is why I prefer to keep working on a single major project until it's reached a stage of completion. I find the holidays very disruptive (and I don't even get to go the parties and events that accompany them!). As a result I've learned to make copious notes about the projects I'm working on so that if I do get interrupted it will be easier to get back on track when opportunity finally does present itself. Mostly this works for me. Except when I forget to make those notes!

On this occasion it's not so much that I neglected to make notes - except that I did. Still, they're not crucial. It's pretty obvious what I was doing and where I was headed. What happened this time is that part of the project has disappeared.

This all began in the fall of 2017 when the local community college thespians needed a quilt-in-process for the play they were mounting. I provided them with a small flimsy, a string of blocks sewn together, and some loose blocks. The only documentation I can find about the inception of this project is this blog post. I knew better than to expect a prompt return of the quilt parts when the play was over. I also knew that there was a good chance we'd never seen the pieces again. Still, I hoped to get everything back again because I wanted to make that quilt!

Amongst all the gift exchanges during the holiday season the box of quilt parts was finally returned to us. The flimsy, individual blocks... but not the loose row of blocks. I didn't realize that until I put the pieces back up on the design wall and it just didn't look right, no matter how I arranged or rearranged the elements. Finally I found the November 2017 blog post and verified that the row of blocks was missing.

This is what I had:

This is what I have (with a slight downward shift of the original flimsy):

So, what now? I can probably maintain the color palette but since I was using up scraps and remnants I don't have more of most of those prints. I think this is going to have to be a smaller quilt than I originally intended. I bet I was going for something on the order of 60" x 72." Now I'll settle for 48" x 60." Obviously I'll have to make at least one more block, an Ohio Star. I may very well end up making others, or framing up more 8" sawtooth stars, as I'm not as happy with this as I'd like to be. I have to release the vision of what this could have been too. At least it gives me a way to ease back into the work that makes me feel like I have a purpose in this world. 😊


  1. I guess it is in their "wardrobe" department, can you ask them again if they have seen it? It must be easier than individual blocks to find. If not, use the odd blocks on the backing, and make a whole new border. Love the shaded fabrics together, and this will be a "quilt to remember". Happy New Year, we didn't celebrate and had a very quiet Christmas too.

  2. How frustrating that all your blocks weren't returned. Love yohr colours, it's going to be a great quilt when you've finished. Easing into is good 😊

  3. If you wanted to maintain the size, could you remove the blocks you're not so happy with and use them on the back, and introduce new, toning fabrics to make blocks to scatter amongst the others, so it looks like they'd always been part of the plan? I think you were very brave to hand over a work in progress; it's a pity your generosity has not been repaid with a conscientious return.

  4. I would definitely ask about the missing blocks before giving up entirely. But if they truly are gone, you have an opportunity to create something new from the blocks that survived - perhaps even with the story on a label. Goid luck.

  5. Oh, dear. What do you want to bet that those missing blocks will turn up a month or so after you finish the quilt?
    At least you'll have a good story to tell with this one!
    Good luck with your stars, whichever way you decide to set them. (On point, maybe?)

  6. Happy New Year! The blocks do look lovely together.. hopefully you can find some more fabric to finish them off..... I am sure you will come up with something! xx

  7. Oh that would be disappointing. But maybe this is a chance for a little improvising? If the rest of the project doesn't show up, I know you'll come up with something that will work. Good luck!

  8. I'm sorry some of the blocks disappeared. I agree with some of the other comments that they will turn up "eventually". Probably when that particular box is pulled out. It might be a thought to ask them to look again. I love the blocks that you do have. This is going to be a really nice quilt no matter how you decide to finish it.


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