
Tuesday, June 12, 2018

In the Pink

I'm not one to wake up in the middle of the night with bright ideas. They tend to come to me just as I'm falling asleep or as I'm waking up. And they tend to come in bunches, not singly. I had such an experience just the other morning, inspired by the set of four batik blocks I showed in my last post.

Regular visitors will probably remember that I've been looking for ways to use up the older prints in my stash. As dawn broke the other morning it dawned on me (pun intended) that I could probably make Scrappy Trip quilts in several color families, effectively using up or at least making a serious dent in some of the stacks in my stash. After jotting down some notes to myself the events of the day took over.

The next time I was able to spend extended time in the studio I went to my collection of pink prints and pulled out those I was tired of seeing and those that were the equivalent of a fat quarter or less. I cut 60 strips at 3" each. Then I had to go down to my LQS to buy enough of a black print to fill in the rest of the design I had in mind. Of all the black fabric in my stash I either didn't have enough of a single print or they weren't appropriate in some other way. Of course. And on this particular occasion I didn't want an assortment of black prints.

The plan is to make twelve pink Scrappy Trip blocks (15" finished) with a single black in the mix.

My hope is that the pinks will blend together reasonably well while the black will stand out in that distinctive diamond pattern the Scrappy Trip blocks can make.

So far I've completed four blocks.

I can't say this photo is an accurate representation of the colors but you can see what I'm shooting for. There's every possibility I'll change my mind about the final arrangement of the blocks but we'll see. My plan is to keep this on the small side, 45" x 60," partly so it can be finished up quickly but also so that I don't get bogged down in this color family. I really have to do something about the stacks of green (and orange... and yellow; we won't even talk about the novelty prints).

On the personal side of things, the cardiologist found 80-90% blockage in one of Hubby's arteries. I assume they cleared that out as much as possible before putting a stent in place. He was aware of what was going on but is fuzzy about the details. I wasn't able to stick around in the hospital to get any information firsthand. There are a couple of follow up appointments to keep so I'm sure there will be more information forthcoming. The important thing is that he already feels better and we expect to have many more years together. 😊


  1. A stent will make a HUGE improvement, my man had 2, after 2 heart attacks, as his Right Coronary artery was almost completely blocked. Did they mention, never to push a car, in any circumstance? And to take life slowly for 6 weeks? Hugh went to a rehab day, but found it not a great help, as the booklet told him everything he needed to know. Life was improved from not day one, but HOUR one, he felt better immediately.Hope your man continues to do well.

    1. I didn't get any details as to his after-care. Thanks for the information you've shared - and for your continued support!

  2. I love your pink blocks. Using the one black fabric for the Diamond shape is a brilliant idea which works perfectly. Good luck with using your stash of other colours in a similar way. Good news for your husband's health. I wish you many more happy years together.

  3. What a fabulous quilt that's going to be! It's wonderful, and has hopefully provided a distraction to worrying about Mr Magpie. I hope he's making an excellent and trouble free recovery and being a model patient!

  4. Here's to his recovery!!! Great color family plan, too.

  5. I love the black accenting the pinks! Cheers for health returned for hubby.

  6. Loving your blocks, sending get well soon vibes also x


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