
Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Another New Start

I seem to be starting a lot of new projects lately. I guess Spring is a good season for such activities. 😊

Now is not the time to share one of the projects I've just started. I'd kind of like to keep this second one under wraps too but I don't think that will be entirely possible. For the time being, suffice to say it's another set of 15" Scrappy Trip blocks.

I'm pondering what I'll do for the upcoming Scrap Happy Day. There's no shortage of scraps or old fabric to put to good use. I could also just make something up out of the Parts Department. Hmm...

On a personal note, Hubby has recently been experiencing episodes of angina. When he finally got in for a stress test (on a treadmill only) he failed spectacularly. He's now on a beta blocker and nitro glycerin pills and unable to do anything more strenuous than watch movies. I'll be taking him in tomorrow for an angiogram. My hope is that they find any blockage and take the opportunity to clear it out while they have him there. It will mean a little longer in the hospital but I'd prefer that to having to go back in the near future for another procedure. Or the other, rather permanent, alternative!

So far as I know Blogger/Google still has not come up with a fix for comments. You can leave them, but the only way I can respond is to leave a reply on my blog. I miss having you come directly to my Inbox. 😔


  1. I love those warm toasty browns in the Trip blocks, so it's going to be fun watching this one develop. For ScrapHappy, why not just play with some bits and see what happens? I've found that stitching together tiny little snippets can be pleasantly addictive, and really satisfying because it's fabric I haven't had to throw out. I'll have the finish of $11R to show, hurray!

  2. I'm hoping blogger fixes the issue soon! Argh!
    Wishing good things for hubby. Heart issues are so scary!

  3. I hope your hubby is getting better!
    Nice way to use up your scraps!


I'm sorry it's difficult or impossible for some of my readers to leave comments. I do appreciate your visits and the kind comments I receive.