
Monday, January 15, 2018

Scrap Happy in January

I wasn't sure I would have anything to share for this first Scrap Happy Day of the new year. I've already shown you the first of the string blocks I made for the current block drive for Covered in Love. 

I made another set of four since then:

Do you think there's a noticeable difference in the number of strips and strings I have laying about? Yeah, I didn't think so. 😉 Regular readers know better than that. It seems no matter how many scraps you use, there are still more than you began with somehow.

To make matters worse, when I pruned these blocks to the required size (10.5") there were some trimmings big enough to cut into tiny triangles. I have a ruler called the Scrap Saver from That Patchwork Place that makes it easier to cut half-square triangles from odd pieces of fabric. So of course I had to cut as many 1⅞" triangles as I could from the leftovers. I'm compulsive that way. It would be so much easier to just toss them in the trash but I couldn't do it. I ended up with 101 half-square triangles from the first six string blocks and another 31 from the more recent batch of four blocks.

As you can see, I haven't pressed the most recent triangles yet.

I was happy to find this 4½"  tin in which to store the pressed units until I figure out what to do with them. There are several options swirling about in my head. Whatever they end up in will be a truly scrappy product! To see more scrap projects in the works hop on over to Tall Tales from Chiconia. Kate co-hosts a gathering of scrappy endeavors with Gun every month on the 15th. She has the complete list of participants on her blog. Be careful - you might get inspired to do something with your own scraps!


  1. Love your cheery strings Sue, and for a good cause. That little tin for left over triangles is perfect.

  2. Your scrap blocks are so beautiful. And also the cute little ones that fit perfectly in your new box. :-)

  3. You are definitely a dedicated scrapper!

  4. Those are great, and I foresee a scrappy strings quilt in your immediate future :-) It always entertains me that we can extract whole quilts-worth of scraps from our 'collections' without apparently making the slightest difference. I wonder how many yards of fabric we're really hoarding in all those bags and boxes...

  5. Yeah, I can't throw away even the littlest itty bitties. Waste not, want not is firmly embedded in my brain!
    Love those string blocks, and also love that tin!

  6. The strings look great. I had to laugh at this: It seems no matter how many scraps you use, there are still more than you began with somehow.

    That's SO true! I've often thought that. It's why I keep having to add more Kleenex boxes to the stack!

  7. Saving those tiny bits fits so perfectly with our studio name - Magpie's Nest. But those tiny bits help make some marvelously interesting quilts!!

  8. Thank you for linking to us!!!! I can relate this saving of scraps to myself :) I have quite a big number of HST squares now and I still don´t know what to do with them!

  9. I do not think I would throw such useable HST bits in the rubbish bin either!


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