
Sunday, January 21, 2018

SAL in January

This is our first Stitch Along check-in for 2018 and I have a new caravan to share with you. 😊

It all began with this little 1947 Teardrop trailer.

I altered the silhouette a bit and decorated it to create...

 An intergalactic caravan! 

When it first arrived it appeared to be functioning under a cloaking device.

It didn't even show up as well in person as it does in this photo. The floss I used (some of Nancy's hand dyed loveliness of course) was the same value as the blue background and had enough blue in it for it to blend right in. The funny thing was, I didn't notice until I'd finished the outline. I switched out both the background fabric and the floss on my second attempt.

I sort of had the 1950's infatuation with space travel in mind as I fleshed out the details on this travel trailer.

I'm thinking there will be one more caravan in the collection before I try to reassemble the sketchbook. I have to keep the book under one inch thick. I haven't measured the stack of completed embroideries yet but I'm pretty sure there will be room for one more. The question is, what sort of caravan will it be?

I've been stitching these travel trailers for The Sketchbook Project and using this Stitch Along, hosted by Avis, to keep me on track. We check in every three weeks and each work on the needlework project of our choice. There's lots of good work to see, with stitchers who span the globe. Enjoy the tour!


  1. Have we seen a log cabin trailer, or an igloo, or a houseboat, or a Hobbit house, or a teepee? I do love this one, it's like a prop from Lost In Space, and I expect the robot to emerge any moment, waving its arms and declaring "Danger, Will Robinson!"

  2. Fantastic :-) Your designs are literally out of this world!

  3. Love the intergalactic caravan :)

  4. You captured this concept perfectly Sue! As for others, did you do a fairy caravan? Or a duck caravan, a Victorian caravan, maybe a Frank Lloyd Wright caravan? I know you'll choose something great!

  5. I think this might be my favourite 😊 at first I thought you were going to say it was a lady beetle caravan, but an intergalactic one is SO much better!

  6. With the satellite stick, at least that is what I think it is, this is a true space van. Love the floss colours.

  7. Ah, That intergalactic caravan makes me smile! It is so cute, I would love to have one myself :)

  8. Love the idea of an intergalactic caravan, great job.

  9. I love your caravans especially this one. Hope you will post photo of them all together when you finish them.

  10. Love your intergalactic caravan, made me chuckle :-)

  11. That's a big jump - from caravan to spaceship! I wonder how one would tow it along the highway ...


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