
Thursday, May 18, 2017

Ten Years Later

About a week ago I realized I'd missed my 10 year blogiversary. I haven't been up to posting about it either. Haven't been online much at all really. Wish there was a better reason for this absence than poor health. Well, a happier reason anyway. Poor health is a pretty good reason afterall. It keeps me from doing a lot of things I'd really like to do. {sigh}

I haven't put away my embroidery projects since the last SAL check-in (see previous post).

One of the Cocker puppy transfers didn't print as darkly as I seem to need these days so I've had the original pattern out to guide my stitches. I'll show you the progress in the next SAL post on 4 June. The little fox needlepoint case will very likely be finished by then too. I have another case on order but I'm still racking my brains for something equally mindless to stitch for those occasions when my brain shuts down. I've reached the point where I'm making duplicates of cases I've already made once!

I've assembled the blue Patience Corner blocks into a flimsy.

Oh no! I think I swapped a block accidentally. I'm going to have to go back in and fix that. 

I want to find a medium to large scale floral print to use for a border. That may take a while so this has been relegated to the closet until I feel up to the shopping trip.

I made these three Scrappy Trip blocks for Scrap Happy Day but then missed the event.

They look pretty muddy to me on their own. Hopefully they will blend in well when I finally get around to setting the blocks into a quilt top.

One bright spot in the past week was the purchase and installation of a lilac in our front yard. I've always loved the flowers and for the last couple of years have threatened to steal blooms off the bushes in the neighborhood. For Mother's Day this year I decided to just buy a starter shrub for myself. James helped me get it planted. I not sure my husband has even noticed the new addition! Now we have to get the two David Austin Roses I ordered planted in the weed flower bed before the weather turns really warm. This is going to involve moving at least a couple of established plants. I haven't yet quite figured out what I'm going to do with them, which is one reason the roses are still sitting in their pots. That and the consecutive days of rain we've had. I've got to get them in the ground before the air quality around here diminishes too. Time to get up off my butt!


  1. Jobs will always be there, and Lilac, it is a winner everywhere. 10 years, a milestone, I am just into 5 years, and not as consistent with a daily post as I once was, now I wait till there is some news, and your little doggie is so lovely.

  2. Congratulations on your 10 year blogiversary. I hope your health improves soon.

  3. Congratulations on the decade! May the next one be even better, full of projects and fun!
    I looked and looked for a mistake in the flimsy, but can't find it...

  4. Hopefully your David Austin Roses will romp away as our new ones have done this year - they are climbers and by next year will probably have covered our large wall that used to be swamped in depressing dark green ivy.

  5. Congratulations! We both have milestones to celebrate this week, and 10 years is an impressive time to have been blogging. I'm feeling a bit of lilac-envy here, as I can't grow it in this climate, not enough chill for the flowering to happen, and roses don't do so well in the humidity, either. I hope your garden flourishes for you!


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