
Sunday, May 14, 2017

Stitch Along in May

I've been doing more needlework than usual lately. To begin with, I've finished the little needlepoint case that will be nearly a twin to the original. This is where I was the last time I showed it to you:

And here we have it finished!

After blocking the black floss covered the white canvas a tiny bit better. By the way, that big knot of leftover black floss I was looking for never turned up. I actually ended up buying a brand new skein of floss just for this case. Fortunately floss is not expensive. Although if you have a taste for hand dyed floss I've found a wonderful source in The Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe. I've been drooling over her latest batches and trying to figure out an easy way to put them to good use. Of course, I have plenty of iron-on transfer patterns I could use. Right now I just don't have much creative energy. I want someone to hand me the fabric with the colors and stitches already selected so I can just sit and stitch!

I've made progress on the little fox needlepoint case too. From this:

To this:

You may remember I chose to substitute a purple for the gray that was provided for the background areas. This particular purple has turned out to be a little strong for my taste but hopefully someone else will enjoy it.

I've also done a bit more on the dish towel with the litter of Cocker Spaniel puppies frolicking along the hem. It's hard to get the whole width of the towel in one shot so let me just show you where progress has been made.

This puppy has been completed since this photo was taken, as have the leaves of the plant he's inspecting.

This is the last puppy of the litter.

He may very well be completed by the next SAL on 4 June. There's a lot of excellent needlework to be seen in the rest of the SAL. Make yourself a cup of your favorite beverage and take the tour!


  1. those purses are looking great - so bright!

  2. Lots of lovely progress this time.

  3. LOADS of progress! You always have such a lot to show us, it quite puts me to shame!

  4. Love that fox and the purple looks just right to me. The puppies are cute :)

  5. I can see you have been busy lately :) That fox is so cute (did I already told you once or.....)Good work!

  6. The puppies are delightful, and a whole row, better still. it's always a wonderful feeling to have something finished, and another started.

  7. Looking good Sue! I love that fox!

  8. I love your needlepoint projects! I actually quite like the purple you have substituted, so it is definitely a personal choice. And there is nothing wrong with wanting easy stitching where all the decisions have been made! We all need those projects at times.

  9. Love all these projects, I think kits are great for when you just want to stitch without having to think too much, I always have something like that on the go :-)

  10. These are fantastic! I love your little cases, but your cute embroidered dog is adorable!!!

  11. Hand stitching takes lots of time, so I know how many hours you worked on this - or am close enough to knowing. What a lot of work, but well worth all your efforts. I love Nancy's floss, too!


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