
Sunday, February 13, 2011


Constructing this quilt top in three sections posed some pressing problems. It wasn't as bad as it may sound though. I merely had to decide which way to press the seam allowances to get the best results.

At this stage I had flat-pressed all the seam allowances but had not opened them up or pressed them in one direction or the other. In the end I decided to press the seam allowances of the center section upward and the two sides down. That allowed me to nestle the seam allowances up against each other to get clean joins on the front. The long vertical seams were then pressed open to help the quilt top lay flatter. Taa daa!

I had originally planned to do the quilting on this myself. The bigger it got the less I felt like wrestling with it. I called my favorite long-arm quilter and, lo and behold, she was able to find a hole in her schedule just the right size for this simple job. Woohoo!

I had several of the 6" half square triangle blocks left over, and enough of the focal fabrics to make up a few more. That allowed me to create a back out of just 4 yards of clearance fabric:

This won't be in his hands for SIL's birthday but it could easily be a completed quilt by then. Now it's time to put Janet's block back on the wall and see what happens.

In other news, my friend C~ dropped by for a quick visit. We hadn't seen each other in a while. I was able to finally give her a copy of Tonya's Word Play as a belated birthday gift, and look what she picked up for me on a recent trip:

A cute little bluebird clip and...

maybe the most fun skull print I've ever seen! This is from STUDIOe fabrics ( She found it in a shop in Oregon. I absolutely LOVE it! I haven't made a cover for my Nook yet; this may be what I end up using. :-D


  1. i love it when there's something interesting on the back -- what a perfect way to finish off this quilt! And your skull print is amazing!

  2. That skull fabric is too much and exactly what I've been looking for to make bibs for the baby of a friend who designs cd covers for what I think he calls "deaf metal bands". His art is really good but the pictures are weird. Skulls bibs are exactly what his son needs! I'm going to Studioe fabrics' site! Thank you!

  3. What a great looking graphic quilt. Your sister in law will love it I"m sure. And is that a skull and crossbones knitted towel? Very cool!

  4. Wow, what an awesome job you did! The quilt looks huge. And that's a good solution to the problem of the design wall. Probably a good call to have the LA'er do the quilt! *grin*

    I LOVE that skull fabric - what a hoot!

  5. Lovely skull fabric.

    Yourf quilt is wonderful. Congratulations.

  6. You did a wonderful job of assembling a large piece. The back is perfect. Love that strip of HSTs.


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