
Thursday, February 10, 2011

And I've Been Sewing Too!

The day of the beautiful sunset was the day I finished sewing the half square triangles together into six inch blocks. Yesterday I cleared the design wall, consulted my chart, and started putting up blocks. It didn't take long to run out of room. What you see below is nearly my whole wall but only the center of what will be the quilt top.

I do want/need to be careful to distribute my neutral backgrounds evenly across the quilt. The purples and greens pretty much took care of themselves. In the end I decided to just sew up the central portion of the quilt and hope for the best from there.

Once I had that column constructed I was able to shift it over to make room for the left side of the quilt top.

As of this writing I have this end partially assembled. Once I finish that I'll be able to shift everything to the left to get the right end of the quilt organized. I have my fingers crossed that the blocks that are leftover will all play together nicely. It won't be fun to try to rearrange the placement of blocks at this point! (In fact, it might be easier to just go out and buy more of whatever neutral I need and make new blocks!)

Don't forget, any comments left between now and Valentine's Day will get you entered into a drawing for my beaded Love Token. :- )


  1. Sometimes a little chance in the placement of the last blocks gives unexpectedly good results! Hope it works out for you. I really do like the green and purple combo.

  2. Awesome, Sue! Talk about dramatically wonderful! And throw my name in the pot, I love your Love Token and collect hearts, besides.

  3. What an interesting quilt. Good colors!


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