
Monday, March 21, 2022

A Slight Diversion

I didn't feel like pursuing the medallion top I began for Scrap Happy Day (in the previous post). I needed some mindless sewing to do. The Butterfly blocks and some remnants in my stash came to mind.

 Four patch blocks are nice and simple but will make for a more interesting background than a single print might. 

 I just about have enough parts for nine 12" blocks at this point. That would make a 36" square start for another potential medallion style top. I am beginning to run out of the prints I began with so a decision of some sort will need to be made. I suppose a baby quilt is not out of the question. I do like the challenge of figuring out how to make a little go a long way though. 😉


  1. Making a little go a long way, ditto to that down here. Yesterday I sorted my HUGE bin of batik scraps into colours, I laid them all out and they totally covered the queen bed !!! Now they are easily found, and a new project is underway, for the first time I am a pattern tester.This will test my skills, and I need to have it finished on time , so no more procrastination!!!

  2. I really like the HSTs mixed in with the four patches - I am going to save this idea for future reference. And I LOVE the colors you are working with!


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