
Sunday, October 4, 2020

First October SAL - Happy Dancing!

Warning: this is a picture heavy post!

I haven't shared progress on this needlepoint case my friend asked me to stitch for her in quite some time. After I'd done the easy stitching, the large sections of a single color, I got stalled. The last time you saw it, it probably looked like this:

I've been feeling better the last couple of days, able to face the detail stitching that needed to be done. This began life as a kit. I don't think all the colors were included by the time my friend found it in a thrift shop, nor did I have a photograph of the finished project to go by. So once the background was in it required more mental effort than I had to give it. 

I'm delighted to report that I've finally completed the stitching and the case now looks like this.

Yup, still happy dancing a couple of days after the stitching was finished. 😁

I've also added some to my visual journal scroll since our last check in three weeks ago. It's now about 57" long (3.5" high).

Here are a series of close-up shots beginning at the left side. (You may be able to get the images even bigger by double clicking on them.)

In addition to the rain cloud (my hope for rain to wash away the smoke from the wildfires) I put some detail stitches on a few other sections.

I may get out one of my Halloween canvases (needlepoint) to work on for the next stitch along check-in. That will be right before Halloween, on 25 October. I may also cover the completion of this scroll in a Bee, Myself & I post at the end of October. In the meantime, here are the links to the other members of this SAL so you can see what they've been up to lately. 😊





  1. The journal scroll work is wonderful, great detail and fun to look at. Congrats on the finish of the needle point case. It looks really nice and your friend is going to love it :)

  2. Gosh! You've been very busy stitching! The purse is fantastic, even more so that you didn't have a photo of what the finished picture should look like. Enjoy your happy Dance :-)

  3. Congrats on your happy dance! A beautiful finsihed project. I love your additions to your other project too, especially that rain cloud and the house with the bunny. You have been super busy! Crafty hugs, Jenny xx

  4. What a lovely gift! The scroll is always lovely to see as it grows!

  5. Beautiful progress! I love the charm accents on that last photo <3

  6. enjoy your happy dance ^^

  7. That journal scroll is just so creative; congrats on the kit finish, much more challenging when you have guess!

  8. One Happy Dance for you coming along!!! The small house on your journal scroll is so cute and I love all your stitches you are adding to your scroll!

  9. Congratulations on your happy dance Sue. Its a horrid feeling when the thing we find so relaxing normally, becomes something of challenge and stress. Just try and relax and enjoy your hobby - and yes I do know how hard this can be at times lol xxx

  10. Oh, yay! Congratulations on your happy dance! That needlepoint case is so lovely. I continue to be fascinated by your journal scroll; I love the idea of keeping track of events that way. And I'm looking forward to seeing your Halloween needlepoint next time! Hope you are well.


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