
Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Two Finishes and a Couple of Questions

 The temperatures have been more reasonable since my last post. We've still had to run the AC late in the day. I must look pretty odd sewing down binding by hand, a 60" s 75" quilt in my lap and the fan on the floor blowing directly on me! 

I completed the baby quilt first. I'll share a detail shot because I don't really think the intended recipients ever visit here but I don't want to take a chance on spoiling the surprise in case they do. James had the opportunity to do some outline quilting in the central panel. That was done with a matte finish lavender thread. To make the flying geese that surround the panel stand out he used a variegated trilobal polyester around them. 

It looks great on the black!

In the beginning the second quilt was going to be a gift or donation. Very soon however, I decided I would be keeping it for myself. Some of my favorite Halloween prints went into the blocks that make up the body of the quilt top. 

In the detail shot above there are patches from fabric I've had since the beginning of my quilt making career and a couple of the latest prints I've collected. Here's the whole quilt: 

It hasn't been through the washer and dryer yet but the novelty prints already pop more than they did before quilting. Because the witches in the quilt are some of my more favorite images I'm calling this one BeWitched. 

I very often feel much like this particular witch, more than slightly grumpy.

And now for the questions. Do you read this blog on your desk or laptop computer or do you use your phone or other smaller device? Would it be a benefit to you if I were to make the text larger? Do I need to make the pictures larger too? Your input via comments [or email: sewingmagpie(at)gmail(dot)com] is appreciated. 😊


  1. I read blogs primarily on my desktop so that I have my computer keyboard for leaving comments. I do read a few on my tablet but then go back on the computer to comment (I hate one finger typing on the touch screens). With the light background, I can read your text (not so much for the blogs with darker backgrounds and light text). I enlarged mine in the old Blogger - the new one seems huge even though it is also called "large." Love your Halloween quilt - happy that you are going to keep it.

  2. I do most of my blogreading on my phone and via the Bloglovin reader (so I usually don't even go to your blog to read a post unless I leave a comment). It works fine for me.

  3. Love that Halloween quilt! Wonderfully scrappy but also really well pulled together by that black and white background.
    I read your blog on my 11" MacBook Air laptop, about the size of a large tablet screen. The size is fine as it is; I'm long sighted and wouldn't fancy trying to read most blogs on my phone screen, even with my glasses on!

  4. I read on my desktop for better and larger photos and ease of commenting.
    Love the grumpy witch.

  5. Love your BeWitched quilt, Sue. I can see why you want to keep it. The quilting on the first one is lovely. What a talented boy he is!
    I read blogs on my laptop; in fact I do almost everything on my laptop. The size of text and photos is fine for me. (I am reading more on my phone, but don't enjoy it.)

  6. I love them both! What a grumpy witch, I bet you are like that on the outside, but not on the inside! I read the blogs mostly on my desktop, but occasionally on my ipad, both are OK for me...thanks for asking!

  7. I read it on my laptop and I can see everything fine on my 14" screen. Both projects are wonderful. Did James do the quilting? I like the curves!

  8. Excited to see more of the baby quilt! Love your Halloween quilt! I use both phone and computer to view your blog. I like the computer better for seeing bigger pix. Cheers!


I'm sorry it's difficult or impossible for some of my readers to leave comments. I do appreciate your visits and the kind comments I receive.