
Wednesday, March 11, 2020

F2F and Geese

Two more sets of Footsquare Freestyle blocks have come into the Magpie's Nest. They're both beautiful.  It's so much fun to get these surprises in the mail! I have six more squishies to look forward to. 😀

This set came from Moira, the Quilted Snail:

I love the two stars. I've never made one with that type of triangle in the upper left block. And that print of circles in the second star makes the block pop.

This trio is from Susan at DesertSky Quilting:

I especially like the background print and the geese in the block in the upper left. That really looks like sky! It seemed fitting that she made blocks with flying geese in them when I've been so preoccupied with geese lately.

I think there are now seven different multicolor prints on black in my geese. I've used up the lime batiks I had on hand.

There are 248 units all together. That ought to allow me to make thirty 12" blocks if I choose to build the quilt that way. (Actually, I could make thirty-one blocks!) Still not sure that will be how this gets built though.

I've been doing some minor rearranging in the studio the last couple of days instead of sewing or auditioning layouts for the geese. I hope no one is holding their breath waiting for these geese to begin flying in formation. 😊


  1. Mine might be amongst the last to arrive as I'm in France and still have one to do but I'm pleased to see, from the blocks you've received so far, that my colours will fit in with the others.

  2. It looks as if everyone has been paying attention about geese! I expect they'll all take off when they (you) are good and ready!


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