
Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Two Holiday Projects

We're making last minute preparations for Christmas Day around here. We'll actually be celebrating for two consecutive days as our daughter and her family will come over for festivities on Boxing Day. In the meantime I've managed to keep up pretty well with my advent blocks. 😊

You may remember the the challenge was to make a block a day for each day of advent (Sundays excepted). There are two more blocks to be sewn up today. The plan proposed by Susan is to use the days between Christmas and New Year's Day to assemble our blocks into quilt tops. I don't know that I'll be able to keep to that schedule exactly but I plan to give it my best shot. I suspect there will be some additional design decisions to be made as I lay out the blocks and that could slow the process down a bit.

When I pulled out the Nativity panel at the outset of the Advent Project I also pulled out another, larger panel. It's another one I've had forever, intended to be a Christmas quilt for one of our children. All I've managed thus far is to frame it up with a couple of rounds of strips, and I just did that this month.

This panel must have been a second. If you look closely you'll see that the colors are not consistent across its' width. I've decided to just go with it as it is. I've also decided to work on it in a similar manner to how I've been making blocks for my Advent Project. I figure I'll make at least one 8" star in red on white each week until such time as a more clear plan for building this quilt top presents itself. Maybe 'self discipline' will be my word for 2020. 😏Or not. There's still time to make up my mind to such a commitment.

Warm wishes that your holidays are happy ones!


  1. Merry Christmas to you and yours -- and that advent panel will evolve and turn into something wonderful in 2020.

  2. I've decided my word for 2020 is going to be 'finish'! Not start, or continue, or progress, but *finish*. It's going to be a challenge... These two Christmas quilts have made a lovely start, and I hope to see the finish of at least one of them – maybe the Advent challenge, considering you seem to have the blocks you need? – but you don't strike me as someone who lacks self-discipline so I have full confidence in you! A very happy Christmas to you, and a healthy and happy 2020.


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