
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Uncomfortable Stitching

Wouldn't you know it, a week before I have a lot of handwork to do I take a short spill and land on a hard surface on my tail bone! Not a serious injury but painful to sit on. Or to avoid sitting on as the case may be. And most of what I'm working on has to be kept under wraps for the time being. I can share a couple of sneak peeks though.

Turns out there's nothing like a black binding on a dark quilt to pick up all the loose dog hair floating around.

I'm really looking forward to running this quilt through the washer and dryer once all the stitching is completed. That usually does a great job removing the remaining fur. I only hope I haven't stitched too many right into the binding!

I've started a little embroidered ornament too. Not quite sure what direction this is going to take however.

I dug into my perle cottons to stitch this outline. I think it was size 8. So part of the debate is whether to continue with the perle cotton or revert to stranded floss. And whether to fill in the heart with decorative stitches or a word or image. So many decisions!

For those of my readers who live in the United States, let me take this opportunity to wish you a warm and wonderful Thanksgiving. A lot of people spend the day watching football games. We'll be watching some of our favorite old movies before and after (and probably during) our annual feast. 😉

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!


  1. Love the heart, and the binding, makes me think of the back deck we have just cleaned to within a 1/4 inch of its life!!! Dog hair and MUCK??? other stuff down in the slots between the boards. Painting it tomorrow.

  2. Ouch -- sorry to hear about your fall! Hopefully you'll be on the mend soon, and happy Thanksgiving to you!

  3. Oops! I hope your tailbone recovers soon.
    Black fabric is a nightmare when you have pets. My daughter couldn't believe, once she left home to live in a pet-free environment, how easy it was to wear black tights that stayed black 😄

  4. Take care of that tail bone - I've done that and it is NO FUN! We do not watch football or the parades (too much chatter and too many commercials). We enjoy each other, play a game of Scrabble, and begin the process of taking down the Autumn decorations and replacing them with the Christmas ones (we love those white lights to break up the so-dark evenings).

  5. Ouch! I'm so sorry you've injured yourself, and I hope it won't disable you for long. Being held back from my own creative work just now, I have huge sympathy. Now, dog hair on that quilt wouldn't be a problem if you had a black dog!

  6. The heart is a beautiful shape. I look forward to seeing further decisions and developments. I like what sneaky peek you showed of the quilt. I sometimes use dark bindings, but I have no dogs to fuzz the edges. =) Having fallen on my tail bone as a young woman, I would not like to repeat the experience as an old one. You have my sympathy!


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