
Sunday, September 1, 2019

First SAL of September

Seeing as how it's the very first day of the month I'd say it's a safe bet there will be another Stitch Along posting in September.  😉We check in every three weeks to share our progress on whatever needlework we have underway. That would make it the 22nd according to my calculations. But don't trust me, I have a screaming headache at the moment. 

As I prophesied in my last post, I don't have anything to share this time around. There's been absolutely no progress on the embroidery projects I have designated for this SAL. What I would like to share, however, are a couple of opportunities that may be of interest to the other members of the group. They are both offered by the San Fransisco School of Needlework and Design. One is a challenge to use your favorite needlework techniques to make a piece inspired by your thoughts on healing, art, and reflection. You can read the full prospectus here. The second is an invitation to make a section for what they hope will be the World's Longest Band Sampler. The information about that project can be found on this page of their website.

But also be sure to check out what everyone else in this SAL has been working on!

Avis, Claire, Gun, Carole, Constanze, Christina, Kathy, Margaret, 
Cindy, Helen, LindaHeidi, Jackie, Sunny, Hayley, Megan, 
Deborah, Clare, Mary Margaret, Renee, Jenny,Carmela, Jocelyn, Sharon

And hopefully I'll have some stitching to share the next time we meet. 😊


  1. Hope that headache goes away Sue! These are two very interesting projects, thanks for sharing them!

  2. I hope you feel better soon and look forward to seeing your next update. Thanks for sharing the info. I love seeing the projects created for the San Francisco School of Needlework and Design's challenges.

  3. I hope you're feeling much better soon. See you next time. Thanks for linking to everyone.

  4. Cool! That is for sharing. I might just do the band sampler:) Hope you feel better soon my friend!

  5. Thank you for those links. I really hope you feel better soon and are able to get in the stitching mood. Take care now!


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