
Thursday, September 19, 2019

Baby Steps

While I've been waiting for new prints to arrive for more pinwheels for Baby Quilt #2 I've sewn together the blocks and sashing for Baby Quilt #1.

At this point it measures about 48" across and 60" high. I want it wider but not necessarily longer. To that end I picked up this wide border stripe at my local quilt shop.

I'm not sure yet how wide I'll cut those stripes but I doubt all that orange will show. More like this probably:

I was delighted to find all the colors of the blocks and sashing in this stripe. 😊

I've also made a back for the plaid Wrenches quilt top. Had to piece together two different prints totaling five yards.

And I've sewn some of the scraps from that project into 6" blocks. It may become a doll or teddy bear quilt.

There's still a fair amount of one or two of those plaids. Perhaps one of them could become the back for such a small quilt. We shall see!


  1. Love those colorful stars in the first quilt!!

  2. Lovely border, and it suits the other colours just perfectly. Small quilts from blocks not needed, that is a great bonus.

  3. Clever to find that border stripe! It works really well, and I think you're right about disappearing the orange. I'm glad to note that you must be feeling better, as evidenced by all this industry :-)

  4. What a find that border was!
    I love the plaid quilt - it would suit a man very well and you can't really say that about all quilts.


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