
Saturday, June 22, 2019

Starry Saturday

It's taking me longer than I anticipated to get back into the patchwork I'd been doing when I hurt my shoulder. No sooner was my shoulder beginning to feel nearly normal again when I hurt another body part. πŸ˜–Can you believe it?! I have no one to blame but myself. Or maybe the weeds I was trying to pull from the flower bed. 

I'd deadheaded the flowers and pulled down the bindweed climbing up the hedge along the back property line. That went so well I decided to see what I could do with the weeds that had taken hold under and around the flowers. The ground was hard and dry even though we'd had some rain (cleaning the air and making it possible for me to even be outside to begin with). If I'd been smart (ha) I'd have gone in for my trowel. Instead I tried to pull a broadleaf weed from the ground by twisting it's leaves together and exerting all my weight against it. Everything was fine, progressing slowly, until suddenly all the leaves broke free of the rootball. I went sailing across the yard to land on my backside in a move straight out of a cartoon. In the air I was trying to figure out how to break my fall to avoid breaking any bones. I managed to miss my tailbone at least. And nothing is broken, thank goodness. My back sure hurts though. Has been all week. So once again productivity has been limited. {sigh}

Before my trip through the air I managed to get some flying geese made for my Remixed Geese quilt.

Since then I've started making 10" Wrench blocks to eventually be a quilt for a young man aging out of the foster care system. 

And today I resurrected a project I'd barely begun before I hurt my shoulder. These stars will become a quilt for a new baby in the family. 

Of course it will not be ready when he makes his grand entrance. They're giving me an opportunity to use up some whimsical prints I've had for too long though.

I've also got sleeves to put on two quilts for an upcoming show locally. Not looking forward to that process as it will involve standing longer than my back will be happy about. Fortunately the turn-in date is still a couple of weeks away so maybe I can let my back heal more before I tackle that job. Right now I'm concentrating on not staying in one position too long. Piecing these blocks is good for that! 

I want to apologize to my faithful readers who visit my blog and leave supportive comments. I've been out of commission too often lately to respond or even visit your blogs. Hopefully the day is not too far off when I'll be able to make up for lost time. πŸ’œ


  1. Weeds! I've done exactly what you described myself more than once! Glad to see some quilt blocks emerging, you have been laid up for a long time, and its good to see that you are able to do some sewing again! Hurrah for getting to be outside too!

  2. The quilter on a flying trapeze,along with her flying geese!! Thanks goodness you landed without any bones broken, but will be so sore. Love the baby blocks.

  3. Love those whimsical stars -- I've tried that weed pulling maneuver myself with the same kind of dismal results. Sigh. Hang in there!!!

  4. I shall take this as another good excuse to avoid doing any gardening - especially of the weeding kind.

  5. Oh Sue, you poor thing. I hate how it takes so much longer for our bodies to mend themselves as we get older, but it didn't need a challenge like this to make the point so painfully! I hope you're feeling up to the tasks you've set yourself very soon, particularly that gorgeous baby quilt!

  6. Gosh, it's been a while since I was blog hopping! I'm trying to catch up on yours today. I'm so sorry to hear you went flying without an airplane or wings! It looks like in the last month, you've come back full time?


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