
Sunday, May 19, 2019

Stitching Along in May

I love these posts that have ready-made titles!

It's time for our Stitch Along group to share their progress (or lack thereof!). I'm happy to report I have some progress to share. Not a lot, but enough. As my shoulder continues to improve I'm doing a little less embroidery and a bit more of other activities.

Technically I'm supposed to be embroidering the second in the series of gingerbread houses from Joy McDonald. I have at least traced the house onto my foundation fabric. No stitches have been taken yet though. Instead I have stitched on the other two projects I worked on while I waited for the house pattern to be released. This tea towel:

On which I have given the butterflies yellow spots on their wingtips and stitched most of one of the flowers:

I think there are a couple of accent stitches that still need to be put in on the main blossom. The pattern didn't transfer as cleanly on this half of the towel as it did on the other. I blame my ancient, warped ironing board for that.

The other project I've been making slow progress on is this pillow cover from Sublime Stitching.

It may be hard to discern any progress on this piece but trust me, it's there. 😉

I've finished up all the darker green lines and started putting in some of the stars.

I have two needlepoint projects in the works as well. You can read about them in this post.

The stitchers in this SAL live all over the globe and each works on her own project. If you'd like to join our ranks you can let Avis know via her blog.

DeborahConnieClare, Mary MargaretReneeJennyCarmelaJocelynSharon 


  1. Hi Magpie! I'm glad to know that your shoulder improves and you feel good. I like your embroideries, I've done a lot of them over the years and I like to create more ... Good work and good week!

  2. Your projects are looking beautiful and I'm glad your shoulder is easing to allow you to be more active, that must be a relief. Take care
    Jenny (AKA the Ginger Ninja!)

  3. These are like drawing with stitches. You're so patient!

  4. I’m glad to hear your shoulder is on the mend. Your pieces are looking lovely, they always bring a smile to my face.

  5. I love your embroidery. Hand work like this is soothing, I think. I went and read your post about the needlepoint. Imagine having that project still and what a remarkable thing it would be if you finished it now. I don't know how to move from the background tent stitch to the horses stitching. Perhaps somewhere online there might be the answer. Also thanks for mentioning those podcasts...I've noted them. Meanwhile, Happy Stitching!

  6. Glad to hear that you feel you are on the mend now! I just love the little foxes - so cute!

  7. still loving those foxes!

  8. Very Pretty Sue. Hope your shoulder continues to heal.

  9. I love the variety of your embroidery work, Sue! Glad to hear that the shoulder is starting to come around. They take so much time to heal, hang in there, and keep being patient so you can get back to the things you love.

  10. So happy to hear you're on the mend -- even with FOUR stitching projects on the go!!! I love the embroidery, and I admire you for having the patience to take out that background wool on the horse piece! (And that handpainted canvas is adorable .. I'm going to be strong and NOT CLICK THE LINKS so I won't buy something else for my stash. :)

  11. Any stitch is a progress! Remember that :)

  12. Lovely stitching! I'm so glad your shoulder is feeling a bit better.

  13. Those are sweet embroideries! You’ll get to the gingerbread houses one day! Glad your shoulder is doing better xx


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