
Sunday, April 7, 2019

First SAL in April

Yup, we'll have two check-ins this month! We post our progress every three weeks in this Stitch Along. We also work on our own separate projects rather than all doing the same thing. My designated SAL project is sort of on a hiatus as I wait for the release of the next pattern to embroider. I've completed my secret stitching project but I can't show it to you yet just in case the intended recipient comes to visit my blog. I've added some bits to my Year in Stitches sampler. This is what it's currently looking like:

I have no idea what it looked like the last time you may have seen it. Mostly this is a place to practice or try out new stitches.

Since I completed the secret stitching I've returned to a Sublime Stitching pillow cover I started over a year ago.

It's just back stitching so far. Nice mindless work for those occasions when my brain is broken. Sad to say, there have been several days like that lately.

I might get adventurous and decorate the pot in the middle of the cover. Maybe do some buttonhole stitching for those scallops under each fox. I'm using Sublime Stitching floss for this project too, not the hand dyed floss I've been using everywhere else.

More of these green lines have been covered since this photo was taken. At this point I'm not sure I'll stick to the color suggestions printed on the cover. The best part of this project is that once all the stitching is done I can wash it and pop a pillow form inside and it's done. 😀I enjoy stitching but not finishing.

There's all sorts of needlework being done by the members of this SAL. Participants live all over the world. You will be inspired by what you see as you make the tour. We'll be checkin in again on 28 April.

Avis, Claire, Gun, Carole, Jess, Constanze, Debbierose, Christina, 
Kathy, Margaret, Cindy, Helen, Linda, Heidi, JackieSunny, 
Hayley, Megan, Catherine, Deborah, Connie, Clare, Mary Margaret, 
Renee, Jenny, Carmela, Jocelyn, Sharon


  1. You're always crafting and that's what matters. Lovely stitching! I hope your next parcel is delivered soon :-)

  2. Lovely stitching! I have been itching to get some crazy quilting done and seeing your Year in Stitches Sampler may have inspired me to pull that out as soon as I finish visiting blogs. Beautiful work!

  3. The foxes, that is really so very pretty, and a green heart for Christchurch in remembrance, love the stitching there. And it is included in your year of stitching.

  4. Gorgeous foxes, cant wait to see it progress.
    Jenny x

  5. So pretty Sue! I love your embroidery.

  6. Lovely stitching of those very cute designs. Hey, there is a fox on my blog today too. They are always cute motifs.

  7. You’ve got some really pretty projects that you are working on!

  8. Those foxes are soo cute! I like mindless stitching...:) xx

  9. I really like your little fox pillow cover!

  10. I´m also doing the One Year of Stitches and TAST. I love the buttonhole wheel stitches! The foxes are so cute!

  11. Love these cute little foxes! And hooray for a project that doesn't need "finishing"!

  12. Lots of pretty stitching! I especially enjoy seeing your stitch explorations.


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