
Friday, February 8, 2019

Snowed In

Snow is an unusual event here in our pocket of the Pacific Northwest. It doesn't take much to bring the region to a standstill. Having grown up in Michigan I always get tickled over what a big deal is made over a couple of inches of snow. People want it in the mountains so they can go skiing but don't let it hit the roadways in the urban areas!

This is virtually the same picture I showed the last time we had any accumulation of snow. Unfortunately, it's the view I have that's the safest to share. About half of this melted away since the picture was taken and now we're getting a new batch on top of it. That makes two snowfall events within a week of each other which is what is so unusual.

Stepping out the front door this is what I see...

It makes for a pretty picture but we won't be going anywhere for a few days. I don't go much of anywhere anyway though so no big deal. 😉

I've been trying to be careful of my shoulder this week. I've done a lot of reading. Finally I'd had about as much inactivity as I could stand. Keeping the doctor's instructions in mind I sifted through all the possible projects I could pick up and decided to try a bit of embroidery. I'm not up to the Winter Fairy I chose for my SAL project though. I'm not sure I'll be continuing with that actually but we'll see.

Last year I started what was meant to be a series of embroidered squares, A Year in Stitches. I filled up two six inch squares, started a third, and then stalled mid-year.

The first sampler:

Page two:

This is how I started the third sampler page:

I don't seem to have intermediate photos. I added the leaves in seasonal colors (but not the sun or the snowflakes) before I got stalled.

You may be able to guess what stopped the progress suddenly. I wanted to acknowledge my cousin's passing but after I put in his name I couldn't do any more at the time. I added the dates and the awkward laurel wreath when I picked this up this week. After that came the snowflakes and the sun. Now I'm chain stitching in a tree, which will probably remain leafless. All this work is intuitive so I have no idea what I may do to fill in the black corners. I have to say, it feels good to be working on this again. 😊


  1. The floss colour on Brad's block is so lovely, and suits the rest of the stitching so well. No wonder you came to a halt. And all that snow,inside in the warmth and some handy stitching is definitely the safe way to be.

  2. Sometimes, stitching comes straight from the heart, and if your heart is still sore it's going to be reflected in your work. That is as it should be. Either way, it's a lovely tribute to a family member gone ahead.

  3. May the happy memories of your cousin bring you peace and smiles!
    The sampler is looking lovely! Enjoy the process!


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