
Friday, November 9, 2018

Retail Therapy

While my elbow is being so tender it's been easier to refrain from buying new fabric. Although that's a sad thing to have to say. That hasn't kept me from indulging in a little retail therapy however! First I bought one of Nancy's gift boxes called Return to Sleepy Hollow.

This is over and above the monthly installment I receive in the limited edition floss club. So far the shipment for November hasn't arrived yet. I only receive six skeins in my monthly installments; twelve in a box feels like a real splurge. I have to say that I am sorely tempted to just buy one of her Kindred Spirits gift boxes too, rather than keeping my fingers crossed to win a box through her current give away

The other temptation to which I have succumbed is a bundle of patterns and floss from Sublime Stitching. 

I have far more embroidery patterns than I will probably ever actually use but there are some things I can't seem to resist. You've probably already guessed I'm a sucker for color in threads and fabric. "It's my one weakness" as Dorcas Lane would say (Lark Rise to Candleford). 😉

You may have guessed that my spirits have perked up (finally, thank Goodness!). Now the trick will be not to do too much to aggravate my elbow. There's at least one quilt I had hoped to get done before Christmas so it could be shipped in time to be a gift of the season. Hard to say whether that will happen now. I am not good about pacing myself. When I begin a project I like to keep at it until it's complete (within reason). I will have to learn to work in small bites rather than gorging myself with patchwork and/or binding. {sigh} It's always something, ain't it?!


  1. Threads, fabric or anything related to our passion in stitching is the best way to heal. Love those latest goodies.

  2. I'm so happy to hear that your spirits are lifted a little :-) Sometimes a little yarn prettiness or fabric indulgence is all it takes, sometimes it needs something a little more concrete... I'm working on my current quilt project an hour at a time – I set the kitchen timer. It's the only way to stop my back becoming unbearable: I have a tendency to ignore the warning signals if I'm engrossed, and I'll often end up unable to sew for a day or two. The net result is that I flit from project to project like some particularly mindless butterfly, but it does seem to work!

  3. Well all those pretty colors would definitely perk up your spirits!
    And I think Kate Chiconi is onto something with her kitchen timer idea. I'm going to try that, too, since I have the same sort of issue with my back.
    Take it easy!

  4. Those are just gorgeous, and a definite mood booster!

  5. These are definitely some lovely threads! Do look after yourself. And sometimes being a little late with a gift can be excused!


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