
Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Squirrel Update

I've been industriously working away on blocks for this month's recipient in the Footsquare Freestyle block swap. I can't show you those blocks yet - come to think of it, have I shown any of the blocks I've made this time around? We're not supposed to show what we've made until we know the recipient has received her blocks in order to maintain the surprise value. I suspect between one thing and another I've just clean forgotten to share. In any event, you can see all the blocks everyone has made so far by checking out the 2018/2019 F2F gallery page here. 😊

Now about those squirrels: I thought I would use the Hourglass blocks and the families of flying geese I introduced in this post as leaders and enders. The flying geese work well in that capacity as long as I don't get carried away and sew them all up at once. The Hourglasses have turned out to be a little problematic however. I'm using the old fashioned method for making the blocks wherein you cut big squares and quarter them on the diagonals. It's the method I learned first and am most comfortable with. It allows me the freedom I want for mixing prints. However, I've had to take a couple of sub-units apart and resew them because I sewed down the wrong side of the triangles when I lost track of what I was doing. These are the Hourglasses I've made most recently:

I haven't a clue how many I have so far. Suffice to say there aren't nearly enough for a whole quilt yet.

There are only a handful of geese to share too.

One of these days when my head is working properly I'll try to figure out how many sets of four geese and how many mere pairs I need to make my version of the Remixed Geese quilt.

I've also sewn up a couple more of the Turkey Track blocks I was making last year (also known as Cross and Crown).

Now I have 42 blocks, which is enough for a decent size quilt. Unfortunately, it practically requires sashing and I haven't quite wrapped my mind around that step yet. The biggest stumbling block is what to do about cornerstones, if any. Now that I think about it, I may just leave them out! That would at least speed up the piecing process. Hmm...


  1. I love flying geese, but I really, really love your Cross & Crown blocks. I agree with you that you don't really *need* cornerstones in the sashing, especially if you sash with a strong colour.

  2. Two wonderful block designs. I look forward to seeing what you've done for Moira, too.

  3. Those flying geese are so pretty.. and I just love the Turkey tracks.. oh dear, another block design to try.. :) xx


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