
Sunday, April 15, 2018

SAL in April - Sketchbook Reveal

What with one thing and another I haven't done much needlework since the last Stitch Along check in. I may have put a few stitches in one of the pillowcases I'm embroidering. But the big news is that my sketchbook for The Sketchbook Project is finally complete, assembled, and ready to return to the Brooklyn Art Library. 😊 Let me give you the tour...

Front Cover

First page

This is the middle of the booklet.
You can see where I hand stitched the pages to the cover.

The final page. The quote may not be exact; I didn't take the time to look it up.

Inside back cover
Most of the returning sketchbooks will have a vertical orientation. Obviously mine doesn't, but I had to succumb on the inside back cover. I don't feel that my photographs give an accurate representation of the colors in the backgrounds or the cotton embroidery flosses I used but this will have to do.

For my next SAL project I think I'm going to dedicate my efforts to the embroidered block of the month that Joy is sharing. I whipped up the first block shortly after receiving the pattern. I was anxious to start on the second block but then life got in the way, as it has a way of doing. Now I'm suddenly two months behind! Time to get back on that particular horse. 😉 In the meantime, you can see and enjoy a wide range of needlework being done by the other members of this Stitch Along group. We check in every three weeks so our next "meeting" will be on 6 May.


  1. Sue, I love your sketchbook of campers so much! Each page is unique so interesting to study, as well as just being fun! Well done, and well deserving a group happy dance! 🏆

  2. I had not imagined the finished project, and this is amazing. Lovely layout, after all they have to be horizontal, the words, and all those wonderful stitches. Were you tempted to do two at a time, and keep one at home?

  3. That looks cool , interesting concept of stitching inside a sketchbook however haha. Kudos for finishing this project !

  4. Congrats on the finish! They are all so creative and adorable 😊

  5. Such fun to see them all again :-) And they work so well and make so much sense as a collection this way.

  6. Happy dancing and congrats to a finished project!!!! I love all your caravans. They make me smile!

  7. What a fun project - I think the witchy one is my favourite but they all make for an adorable sketchbook.

  8. this really is such a lovely finish!

  9. I've really enjoyed watching you make all these happy campers! I'm going to miss them now that the project is done...

  10. Thanks so much for sharing these lovely caravans all together and completed! It really looks wonderful, you must be so pleased!


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