
Sunday, February 11, 2018

SAL in February

It's been three weeks since our last stitch along check-in. I have no trouble believing that, I just wish I had more to show! I've been distracted with quilt projects and didn't even get started on the latest caravan for my Sketchbook Project until yesterday.

I've been wanting to use this particular silhouette ever since the beginning but I wasn't quite sure what to do with it. Last month Kate made some suggestions for future trailers; one of them was a perfect fit. First though, I had to reduce the design from the original, more than once.

The larger image on the bottom is the original. The little guy at the top is the one I traced off. I'm having to keep these stitcheries within a 4" x 6" format. Here's what I have so far:

Can you guess what it's going to be? The colors in the photo are not quite right - of course. The foundation fabric is a light green, the outline so far is a combination of two different gray-purple hand dyed flosses, and the window and door will eventually be that warm yellow. There may not be room for a lot of detail on this caravan but we'll see. 😉

The stitchers in this group span the globe. Most will probably have updated their blogs by the time mine goes live. There's all sorts of needlework taking place in this SAL. I hope to take the whole tour this time; last month I was too ill to pull it off. We're welcoming a new member this month, Sunny, so be sure to stop by her blog!


  1. an extra large round door???

  2. Are you making a Hobbit Caravan? Oh I hope so!

  3. Very cute! I need to get back to my embroidery :)

  4. Love it. Can't wait to see what it's going to end up as :)

  5. Oh, the Hobbit House! I think it's a tribute to your design skills that we can already see what it's going to be!

  6. I love these hand embroideries! I'm really excited to participate in this Stitch-a-Long because I can't wait to see how your project develops!

  7. "it was a hobbit-hole and that means comfort"
    I hope so anyway!!

  8. Oh, it's very cute!!! Looking forward to seeing it finished! xx

  9. I was also gonna suggest a Hobbit-Caravan!!!!

  10. I like that! I'd like to own one just a wee bit longer and go everywhere in it!


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