
Monday, March 27, 2017

I Hope You Appreciate This!

I went to a lot of trouble this morning to rig up a way to photograph my larger quilt tops. Mostly because I want you to be able to see more completely what I've created. So in the end it was an entirely selfish move. ;- )

I had a set of four wooden clip sort-of things for a long time that were made specifically  to display quilts. I finally decided to try to put them to good use. That entailed taking down some of my elegant (cough cough) decor over the design wall. Whether it gets returned to place remains to be seen. I've hung the flimsy mostly over a door in order to move it from behind the cabinet that I use as a cutting table. There were some other bits of debris that had to be moved out of the way as well. It's a case of making things worse in order to make them better. I'm not a fan of that process. I've got the quilt top hung but now I have to find new places for all the stuff I moved out of the way - at least I do if I want to hang another flimsy more easily in the future!

But enough whining. Ta-daa, the wedding quilt!

Okay, so ignore the ruler I didn't realize would be in the picture. This will finish at about 60"' x 80," my favorite size for a couch or comfort quilt. The vertical orientation might not be the best for a cuddle quilt but it'll have to do. (Do I have an attitude this morning or what?!) At least the backing print will run horizontally. I think I found the perfect print for this couple who love forests.

The embroidery I worked on so diligently did not make it into the final composition. It was just too black. Everything else that was dark was in tones of blue and brown. Fortunately I found a bit of an old fabric I'd been given probably 20 years ago that was an almost perfect substitution in terms of color and theme.

Just another example of why I refer to my studio as the Magpie's Nest: I collect and hang onto everything that has potential! (Sounds better than the Pack Rat's Hole doesn't it?)

I was able to spell out the surname of the newlyweds from a panel of decorative letters. That was sheer providence.

The letters are very pale. I'm trusting James to successfully highlight them with his quilting. By the way, he's running a discount on his services from now until Easter. You can reach him through his Facebook page or send me an email (suebrown360(at)comcast(dot)net). Our eldest granddaughter will be receiving her new quilt today, built my me and quilted by her uncle.

One of those pinks had the nerve to bleed. I generally throw in a dye catcher when I first launder my new quilts (plus I've pre-washed all my fabric) but I wonder if I neglected that this time around. I avoid using them as often as I can because they are yet another item that sets off my chemical sensitivities. {sigh} I'm prepared for reds and maybe purples to bleed but pink?

I might also be cranky because I have this pile of quilts that need to be bound:

I don't mind sewing the bindings down but I do not enjoy wrangling the quilts to get the binding applied. I only have binding prepared for the one on top, which happens to be the smallest. Before I even try to find appropriate fabric to bind the others I think I'm going to have to go do something fun!


  1. I had forgotten about this quilt, no wonder you have been SOOOO busy.This is a treasure, and with a resident "in-house" quilter, perfect finish is guaranteed. Lovely to fit in the castle and the name banner too. And wooden quilt holder clips, the last time I tried to gat a photo of a wider quilt ( still in flimsy stage ) a friend who is tall, stood with long arms, and that was really good. But he lives several hours away. I always use "sensitive " clothes was powder or liquid, and recently was given some lovely clothes, but all I could smell was the different clothes wash. I hadn't realised how much a different one would smell so much. TWO washes and 4 rinses later, it had gone !!! Maybe now the quilt is done, you can rest a little, both body and mind.

  2. Just... WOW! Not just the most excellent quilts but also all the behind-the-scenes work you've done to bring us this visual feast :-) I do love the wedding quilt, such a beautiful and very personal gift for the young couple...

  3. Oh, Sue, it's beautiful!!! I love how much you've expressed about the couple in all the fussy cuts. And those heart-shaped trees - how perfect is that for the back!?!

  4. The couple are going to be speechless when they receive your beautiful gift. Not only is it wonderful, but every stitch is stitched with love, and that comes shining through. And the backing material is just perfect!

  5. What a fantastic gift - one to be treasured. I also appreciated your efforts to hang it so that we got a picture of the whole quilt.

  6. Having those bindings to do would definitely make me grumpy! I'm with you. The hand part isn't so bad, but I don't like applying it. Next time I have one quilted, I'm going to try having the quilter apply the binding. As for the pink running, it's not so serious, because the whole quilt looks so pink! Very nice quilting James did on that.


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