
Friday, February 10, 2017

It's So Pretty!

I got out my F2F2 blocks the other day. They've just been sitting there, waiting for me to have the energy to do something with them. I finally decided not to make any blocks of my own to add to the collection. The blocks I'd made previously didn't seem to fit in with the blocks I received from the rest of the group. But the rest of the blocks work wonderfully well together! So well, in fact, that it didn't take long to get a pleasing arrangement for a strippy set quilt top (four columns of six blocks each).

I already had a couple of options for sashing and/or borders.

There were other possibilities too but these were the strongest contenders. It didn't take long to figure out where and how to  use them either. The squiggles went between the blocks to create columns and the leafy print (which is a batik) would separate the columns and maybe frame the quilt top if there was enough of it.

There was! But just barely. I only have the equivalent of about 8" x 18"  left. 

Of course it's too big (about 65" x 88") to fit into a single picture given the parameters of my studio space. But isn't it pretty?! Or maybe 'dramatic' is a more accurate word. Whatever, I love it!

This is the lower edge. I hope that shot doesn't make you dizzy - it's sort of doing that to me.

I have backing fabric in the wash right now. I even know how I want it quilted, which is rare for me. I'm going to have James do an overall leafy design, much like the pattern in the batik. We're going to see whether the variegated orange-yellow-red polyester thread I have will work. Some threads work better than others, and it's not always easy to predict which ones will cooperate. I think I have enough of the squiggle print to use for binding too. 

This quilt just makes me so happy! It's been a great experience from beginning to end. As of this writing there won't be another round of Footsquare Freestyle in the immediate future but if someone else decides to spearhead another block swap I'll probably be one of the first to sign up. ;- )

I almost forgot! A HUGE thank you to all the ladies who contributed to this quilt! Lynn and Sandra and Kate and Susan and Esther and Moira and Gun and Claire, you're all rock stars!


  1. Oh, you've found the perfect fabrics to set those blocks! It's going to be a gorgeous quilt!

  2. This looks stunning Sue - I knew it would with those colours and you found the perfect fabrics to set all the blocks off. Funny that we all made blocks that went together well but you say that the ones you had made wouldn't fit in. Still, as long as you're happy :)

  3. The word you're searching for is 'spectacular'! It's a wonderful quilt, and I just want to remind you to send me photo when it's finished so it can go up in the F2F2 Gallery :-) I really like your choice of sashing fabrics, too...

  4. oh wow!
    that sashing fabric is perfect and I am amazed at how well all the blocks go together. You'd think us ladies had all done our fabric shopping together, wouldn't you lol. This is simply gorgeous!

  5. It's funny, but I wouldn't have believed that those colours could work so well with a whole quilt. But they do ~ very dramatic and dynamic and energetic! Congrats to everyone involved.

  6. It is beautiful - and dramatic - and dynamic - and just plain wonderful!

  7. Your quilt looks so good. I´m glad you have put all the blocks together and showing us! I think you were brave to chose those colors, but know I can see they work very well together!

  8. It's amazing fabric for those blocks. Stand farther back if it's a problem? LOL


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