
Thursday, October 27, 2016

Planning Ahead

I've had several bad days since my last post. But I've also been thinking about how best to prepare for such days in the future. There are days when I can sew as long as I don't have to think about what I'm doing. So while my brain is functional I've developed a cutting menu. 

Over the last two days I've managed to cut almost a dozen small pieces of yardage into patches! Some have been paired up - focal prints and backgrounds - but others are only the equivalent of  half a block.

I'm thinking now that I'm going to need some sort of container for these pre-cut patches. I'll need to be able to label them so I know what blocks those patches are intended to become! Meanwhile, I've been able to sew up some random blocks I had prepped earlier.

I will be linking up with the RSC on Saturday. Hopefully I'll be feeling well enough then to get around to see what everyone else has been up to. ;- ) 


  1. A very sensible idea Sue.
    Feel better soon x

  2. Great idea to take on a job that's not too taxing, which might otherwise be a bit boring. Have you thought about putting the blocks into plastic sleeves and then into a binder for the project? It wouldn't take up too much room that way, and you could reuse it again and again.
    Hope you'll be feeling better very soon :-)

  3. That looks like a very sound plan you're putting into place. You're so right about the beauty of having the decision-making all done, so the brain can relax and enjoy the simplicity of just sewing.
    For storage, I recently bought a stack of plastic bins at Home Depot - one is filling up with Glitter bits as we speak! I've seen people put kitted blocks in little plastic bags, but I haven't tried that yet. (I might try stacking kits between paper plates - more recyclable...)

  4. I store each product in it's own tissue box. With allergies, I use a lot of tissues! What's something you use a lot of at your house? It will make a great storage unit, if there is something! And it's free. I also use a lot of gallon baggies for hand projects. None of these fancy carriers for me. LOL Your sewn up blocks look great, as always.

  5. organized scraps?"?? that's just crazy talk

  6. Careful! All those nicely cut scraps might start clamoring to be made into something! :) Hope you're feeling better.

  7. A plan is a great motivator. I make them all the time, they keep me going. I do mass prep jobs too when I can't find myself working on something specific.

  8. The little blocks you've been making look really useful to me! I probably need to work on some storage ideas, too. I have many piles of blocks laying around my sewing room! Wishing you a better week!

  9. You've got a great start on the blocks, cutting out the pieces is what really slows me down. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  10. Baggies would take up little room and are clear, if they don't bother you. The list is a great idea because you can pick it up whenever you want and stay on track. More prayers coming your way this week. Hugs.

  11. Those black, white, and bright blocks look GREAT!! Here's hoping that you feel better soon (and that your cutting plan helps.)


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