
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Who Said Quilters Were Patient?

I think most readers of this blog know otherwise!

No doubt you remember those Patience Corner blocks I was supposed to be sewing between seams as I worked on my liberated medallion. 

I cut patches for a total of 35 blocks to be set 5 x 7, for a twin size quilt top.

A little bit of progress has been made on the medallion, but not as much as I've made with the Patience Corner blocks!

All 35 blocks have been assembled. One border of my Macabre Medallion is almost complete. The others are still speculative parts and pieces. I have resolved to put these blocks out of sight until I've completed my liberated medallion top. I can make postage stamp stars and bear paw units as needed between seams from this point forward. And maybe a few more scrappy shoo-fly blocks. Time to get a move on!


  1. When you fall in love with an idea or colour scheme, it's pointless to try and resist it! Love love love your pink and black 'imPatience' quilt!

  2. Less patient, more determined I think (sometimes 'grimly determined' would be more accurate). Having said that, I am infinitely more patient with patchwork projects than I am with dressmaking ones. Why else would I have taken to paper piecing as I have?
    Love how your quilt is looking. Might we get a glimpse of your first F2F one soon?

  3. poodles! poodles galore! Glorious poodles in black and white just like real life! Patience... what's that??

  4. What fun! That was a quilt that just insisted it be done. =)

  5. Completing all the blocks for a quilt is an achivement. Hurrah!


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