
Sunday, July 3, 2016

Stitch Along Report

It's been three weeks since we checked in with our stitching projects (already!). I only made a little progress on the stamped panel. This is what it looked like when you last saw it:

This is where it is now:

Another leaf and the big cross stitches (which I tacked down with another short horizontal stitch to make them more secure). She also has eyelashes and eyebrows now. I just wasn't in the mood for this one so much. In it's place I picked up the second in a pair of stamped pillowcase I'd been working on occasionally, before I started participating in this stitch along. The first one has already been finished.

I'd only stitched the yellow flowers and french knots before I picked this one up again. Since the photo was taken I've completed all of the green stems and leaves.

To see what the others in this group have been working on click on their names below. We're welcoming Christina to the party this month. And if you'd like to have accountability for your stitching contact Avis and she'll get you on the list!


  1. She is beautiful. And it´s nice to see something else than cross stitches!

  2. I love the face détails now she has eyelashes ^^

  3. Little by little you are getting there 😃.

  4. Gorgeous pillowcase embroidery! Embroidery adds such finesse to bedding.

  5. When you add the two together, that's quite a bit of stitching. Then there's the quilting you've done, too. Pretty active time period!


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