
Friday, April 29, 2016

Filling in the Gaps

I hit upon a scheme for the fourth spot in the set of poly-chromatic or rainbow F2F blocks. A tried and true approach:

 Put the 6" star in the hole in a barn door! So now the central four-block unit in my F2F quilt top will look like this:

Remember, I'm setting these four-block units in a nine patch setting. To make this quilt big enough for my double bed I'm using 6" sashes between the four-block units. I considered a single print for the sashes. In the end I decided to make sashing from my collection of white with black prints. I'm using the stack, cut, and shuffle technique to make 6.5" blocks that I'll sew together for the 24.5" lengths I need.

And four of my scrap shoo-fly blocks will function as cornerstones!

I'm using four prints in each stack of 7" x 8" rectangles so I get four 6.5" blocks out of each stack. (I can do a brief tutorial post if you'd like.) What I have on the wall at the moment are the blocks as I made them. Once I have the rest of the blocks made I'll mix them up for greater variety in the sashing strips.

I should be able to assemble this top in sections without too much difficulty. (Famous last words.) I have no plans for a border, I believe I'll just bind the whole thing with a black fabric. Now that I'm over the hump I'm really excited to see this done!


  1. Love that star in a barn door block!
    The hardest thing with this kind of multiplayer multiblock quilt is tying everything together into a cohesive whole. I think you've found a perfect solution!

  2. A great way to put all your different blocks together, it's looking wonderful.

  3. Fabulous! You're well ahead of the game. I do believe you may have a completed top by the time the mid-month F2F report comes round. A very clever solution for that rainblow block you needed, too. One of the things I love about the finished F2F quilts is that everyone will be searching for 'their' blocks - I know I will!

  4. It's looking great Sue. Will your son be doing the quilting for you?

  5. I really like your design concept--especially the sashing idea.Eagerly awaiting seeing the finish.

  6. This is going to be stunning. What a clever idea to do scrappy sashing :-)

  7. That's a great solution, and the block plan is fabulous. I love what you've done with your blocks. It's inspiring.


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