
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

ScrapHappy in March

Kate and Gun have been hosting a ScrapHappy Day on the 15th of each month for a while now. I've participated a few times but it's been sort of hit and miss. Last year I watched Sheila make at least one potholder every month as part of her Rainbow Scrap Challenge efforts. That seemed like a do-able goal so I thought I'd give it a try this year.

Famous last words.

I was preoccupied at the beginning of the year with the F2F quilt for the ovarian cancer quilt project. Then it was the brown puzzle quilt last month. One quarter of the way into the new year and I'm finally getting on board! I pulled some of the extra 2.5" patches I routinely cut from scraps and made up an 8" 16 patch block.

I backed it with an 8" block from the Parts Department that I didn't think would ever work in a quilt. (No, you don't get to see it!) Then I thought about other blocks in the Parts Department that might be turned into potholders and came up with this:

I've also been working with the leftovers from the brown puzzle quilt.

But now I have my mind set on more cheerful colors!

If you go over to Kate's blog you'll find a complete list of those participating in ScrapHappy Day this month. It's an international group of talented people. You can take a trip around the world without ever leaving home. ;- )


  1. It'll be fun having you join in on a regular basis. The thing I enjoy is the way you can produce something lovely from unpromising bits and pieces. My boxes and boxes of scraps are showing no signs of diminishing yet, but by the time I've made enough of my postage stamp blocks for a quilt, I hope that will change. I do draw the line at a postage stamp back too, though... Of course, every time I make a quilt I add to the stockpile, but that's the nature of quilting.
    Lovely bright star block - more of those please, it's gorgeous!

  2. A great use for those little squares Sue. The trouble with potholders is that, if they're too pretty, I don't like to see them getting scorched and stained. I'm the same with tea towels.

  3. Much as I've come to like brown, I'm happy you're getting back into the brighter colors! Enjoy!

  4. Fun things, as always! I really love your happy scrappy star at the end.

  5. That colorful star you have made is soooo lovely! I like strong colors. My latest quilt (can´t be shown yet, it is still a secret)is totally filled with strong, shining colors!
    Thank you for linking to my blog! Gun at rutigt


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