
Thursday, November 12, 2015

Needlebook Finish

Over the last couple of days this...

Became this:

And this is the finished product:



I broke up the large patch on the back with a line of beading. Once I'd done that it became easier to fill in with beads and charms, my favorite way to decorate textiles. I avoided the whole spider issue with a riff on Kate's butterfly suggestion. Look closely and you'll see that I've sprinkled the background of nearly all the patches with clear seed beads, just to add a bit more sparkle.

Here's the inside:

The colors look better in person, trust me!

The cover itself is lined, and then I add two flaps that create pockets when the wool felt pages are sewn in place. The pockets will accommodate small scissors, bobbins of thread, a needle threader, what-have-you. You could even tuck a credit card in there! You know, in case you have to shop online while you're stitching. ;- )

Now to decide whether to break this one in myself or keep it in its virgin state for future gifting...


  1. How very pretty - surely you deserve to use this yourself . . .

  2. It's really lovely! That beadwork looks like such fun. 8)

  3. I like the idea that a credit card will fit in there - 'cause you might have it at a retreat and NEED that card! LOL Yes, I like what you did on it, and I'm going to be interested in seeing whether you keep it or gift it. =) I especially like that little heart on the front.

  4. I don't think I'd be able to give that one away... It's so pretty. You could always tuck some cards wound with thread into those pockets, or a little card of buttons. All sorts of uses!

  5. Decisions, decisions! It would make a lovely gift - if you can bear to part with it.

  6. That is so very lovely Sue!

  7. Wow ! Very nice,,,I like it..
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  8. I love how you made the needle book with the secure pockets. I need to make a needleholder for a gift and this is a great idea that I'm going to remember!


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