
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Surprise Finish & Swap Status

Having to expand my Parts Department has had me thinking about how to use up some of those 6" blocks that went into the Annex. So far I haven't come up with anything that will make much of a dent. For those of you new to The Magpie's Nest, this is what I did with an earlier collection of 6" scrap blocks.

 Souvenirs, 66" x 78"

I have both Hole in the Barn Door and Shoofly blocks in the Annex drawer. Today I got out both sets of blocks. Here are the Shoofly blocks only, stacked up in front of my 6" x 12" ruler.

You probably can't see the measurement lines well. Here's a close up:

Yup, that's eight inches of raw blocks. I did not take the time to count them. 

How did that inspire me? Well, I made this today...

It's my very first mug mat. It measures 6" high x 8" wide, using only one of my scrap blocks.


Still, it's something! I quite like it too. :- )

So far we have ten confirmed participants for the Foot Square Freestyle block swap. We only need two more to complete one group. If we get another 12 we can have two sets of players! 

Judy need to email Kate or I 
if you still want to participate. 
You are a no-reply blogger and 
I can't reach you unless you contact me first!
(You send me an email from my profile page.)


  1. Pretty mug mat, *Out.Of.Control* pile of blocks :-)
    Just a thought, but do you love them ALL to death, or could you bear to weed out the ones you're only 'Meh' about, and make a charity quilt or two or several. If they're all like the mug mat, I see the problem, because it's really very, very pretty... Or, if you're having a bad month, could you stitch four together to make your F2F blocks, assuming you have the right colour?

  2. Wow, what a lot of blocks. Looks like fun.


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