
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Finishing Up

The Parts Department Quilt was a perfect opportunity to use some of the leftover lengths of bindings from previous quilts. Here they are, pieced together and serpentine on my ironing board:

That's enough to go around a queen size quilt. I still don't have a picture of the finished product though. Soon, I hope!

This top has also been quilted (with scattered leaves) and bound:

Reilly helped.

That's the quilt back and a tiny bit of the green binding. This one also needs a formal portrait taken.

Meanwhile, when I visited Mari over at the Academic Quilter during the Around the World Blog Hop I left a comment that ended up winning me this packet of fat eighths and some white Kona cotton!

And have you been over to visit Cyra at Free Form Stitching yet? Her blog hop post is up. So is Maya's over at Million Little Stitches. Go see what they're doing, you won't be disappointed!


  1. Love the name of the Parts Department quilt. =) The one you show on this post is very pretty, too. That bundle of fabrics you show at the bottom is in my favorite colors! Came here from Cyra's blog.

  2. Oh, love that quilt. Great colour combo.
    Aww, just look at those adorable eyes on your quilt helper.
    Congrats on winning such a lovely package (MY colours).

  3. That's the perfect binding for Parts Department. I can't wait to see the finished quilt.


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