
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Between Seams, Between Projects

So while I've been working on the Scrappy Trips blocks and another project I have yet to show you I've been sewing up scrap patches into six inch blocks for my Parts Department.

Shoo fly blocks and framed squares:

Bow Ties:

And flying geese:

These are the blocks I make most often between seams. When I cut up my remnants I generally cut 2.875" half square triangles (HST's), 2.5" squares, and 3.5" squares. Since I made those string quilts last year I've been cutting 2.5" and 3.5" strips too. Sometimes I get 3.5" x 6.5" rectangles for flying geese out of my leftovers. When I know I'm going to make Bow Tie blocks I cut 2" squares. I don't use that size/shape very often otherwise.

I tell you all this because I had one of those days in the studio recently. I store my pre-cut patches in tins just under the tabletop where I do most of my machine sewing. Generally the tins are safely out of the way and/or the lids are snugly in place. On this particular day that was not the case. This is what I ended up with:

I had to walk around the mess for a couple of hours before I could face reorganizing them into their neat little stacks in the tin.

I have some goodies to show you too. :- )

I found these cool knee socks locally. How could I leave them in the store???!! The shop carries about a dozen different patterns, all of them wonderful and colorful. I'll be adding more to my sock drawer for sure. You can check out all their designs and order your own here. It's almost time for a new journal too, and this bird makes me smile every time I look at it. And how could I leave those batiks behind?

Last but not least, a friend of mine found this set of glasses in a store I can't safely go into:

Mexican sugar skulls, and the bottom of each glass is coated in a different color. When I saw a picture of them I all but started drooling. Fortunately Heather was willing to go back, they still had some in stock, and now they're mine, all mine! bwaahaahaaa!

1 comment:

  1. Very fun post (sorry about the mess on the floor, though).


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