
Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I haven't recovered my full energies yet. I was completely stuck for almost a week. Then my row-by-row quilt came home to be bound. Even that process has been more challenging than usual for me. But let me show you some of the quilting my son has done!

This has turned out to be quite the sampler quilt for him, with a different quilting pattern in nearly every block.

I wish I could do a better job with the photography but at least you get a feel for what he's done.

He tells me that several times he was inspired by the patterns he found in the prints in the blocks.

I especially like this elongated leaf he put in the outermost border.

I may not be allowed to donate this quilt after all. Son may have to have it available for reference!

I seriously hope I can find/come up with a project that excites me very soon. I do not like being in limbo like this. Unfortunately, so far very little has appealed to me. It may be time to cut some foundations squares for string piecing... or use up scrap strips in another quick strippy. Or maybe I need to ruffle through my stash, just to reacquaint myself with what I have...


  1. Understand the limbo discomfort - I find that refolding fabric and tidying the studio usually helps me regain my footing (sometimes more and sometimes less, but always in a forward direction).

    Congrats to your son on his stitching!

  2. amazing quilting by your son..please be sure to share with him my compliments on how wonderful his quilting is!


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