
Monday, May 28, 2012

Old Fashioned Texting

So here's the thing. When there are long gaps between my blog posts it means one of two things: Either I have my head down and am engrossed in my current project or I've been incapacitated by hormone imbalance or chemical exposure. I'm sorry to report that between the last post and this one it has been the latter. On the upside, you may remember that I'd cut these patches to start a new text quilt...

The plan was to turn them into what I know as chevron log cabin blocks. Others call them House Top blocks. Whatever you call them, they are simple enough that I could work on them when I had a little bit of energy.

I started with 16 patches of varying size and shape. In the beginning I didn't have much of a plan for this project other than to use up some of my leftover text prints. Pretty quickly I decided I would stick with 1.5" strips in dark colors between the wider, lighter prints.

I also came to the conclusion that I wanted 20 blocks, not just 16. That way the individual blocks can be smaller, which I find easier to work with.

It feels like it has taken a long time to get all the blocks about the same size. I still have another round of light prints to add before I trim them to size. That's just as well since I still don't feel quite up to par yet. {sigh}

In honor of Memorial Day and all those who have served or are serving in our Armed Forces I leave you with this picture of the twin size quilt top I made and recently donated to the American Hero Quilts program. God bless them all.


  1. Liking this new "texting" quilt project a lot!!!

    Feel better soon . . .

  2. I hope you get to feeling 100% well soon girl! xoxo melzie

  3. Also liking this very much. The blocks look like picture frames.


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